In all seriousness, I have a theory about this and @Nomadski may be interested as well.What are you doing posting here instead of the RideLondon-Surrey 99.6 thread then?
I've done ride London 3 times and all were varying distances:
2014 - 86 miles
2015 - 100.5 miles
2016 - 99.4 miles
We can discount 2014 as that was the year of Bertha and a life times supply of showers in 5 hours. However, for 2015 and 2016 there is a mile difference and while 100 miles is a long way, you would possibly be pushing it to make that mile by just taking corners wider. Unless there were two routes around quite a wide corner to help

As we know, there are two starts. in 2015 I was in the right hand one and the left one for 2016.
The start route for 2015:
The start for 2016:
As you can see, if you start on the left, you have a tighter turn onto the A12 and then a shorter route around the turn, due to using the East Cross Route section, until both sections join.
So that may cause the distance descripency.
Now, if you don't mind, I need to go and get a life