RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Legendary Member
Sounds like you should go and see a doctor about that :eek:
+1 , sounds like cystitis. In the meantime, drink cranberry juice :smile:

I didn't pee until Raynes Park after 4pm which is unheard of for me...and I drank lots of water. That b@stard stitch distracted me from everything else I think


I didn't pee until Raynes Park after 4pm which is unheard of for me...and I drank lots of water.
I had the opposite problem. I had to stop at both the first two hubs for a pee because I was cold in the morning and when I'm cold, it make me need a pee. However, I was hardly drinking and even though I was aware of that, I still wasn't drinking for some reason even though I drink about every 10k on weekend rides to make sure I drink.

So I have been paying all day with a headache which I assume is down to dehydration from yesterday going by the (sorry for the info) colour of my pee.

I'm now off to have another drink :sad:


Just remembered, did everyone's start group get a choice of start song?

The people at the front of my group decided to go for a cheesy option. "Bicycle" by Queen :smile:
Our wave - tandem city - got Meatloaf "Bat out of hell": several options were offered and that got the overwhelming vote. The wave before got "We will rock you" which seemed to go down well!


Legendary Member
I really enjoyed the ride yesterday. Even the 3.45 alarm wasn't too bad.

Laura Trott (and her Dad) were in our wave but I didn't see her on the ride.

I thought most people rode ok. There were a few close(r) passes than needed. The main problem I saw was people changing line without looking.

I deliberately went out a touch slower than previous rides which paid dividends in the last 30 miles when I had plenty in the tank.

I was really pleased to take 2 minutes off my 2013 time managing a 4:47:00 official time. I didn't stop so that was my moving time as well.

Sorry to see a few crashes and condolences to the guy on Leith Hill.



Legendary Member
Photo proofs now available via the rider info page. Lovely one of me with my hand up crossing the line...hands in the air would have ended in disaster and had the medics running not to mention the Queen coming out to see what the commotion was :biggrin:


Photo proofs now available via the rider info page. Lovely one of me with my hand up crossing the line...hands in the air would have ended in disaster and had the medics running not to mention the Queen coming out to see what the commotion was :biggrin:
Just had a look and none too flattering of me :laugh: I do like the photo on Box Hill where everyone else is down, gurning and straining while I'm upright and smiling and to all extent looking like I'm on a jaunt in the countryside. Who said the camera never lies :laugh::laugh:


Wow! That's a first. Mrs SG and me in the same photo! They always have split us into two no matter how close we ride together lol.


Active Member
On the whole the standard of riding was good. Most of the club riders were polite and gave plenty of warning with an early 'On your right'. There were some that were treating it like a team timetrial though, heads down and shouting for people to get out the way. A fair few individuals weaving through gaps that were only just there but these didn't seem to be wearing club kits. The two most dangerous bits of riding I saw were by people that shouldn't have been on the road. First one near the tower of london as some women on her Sunday Shopper bike decided to not wait for a gap or go to an official crossing point but to just weave slowly across the stream of 20mph+ cyclists. The second was an act of extreme stupidity as I was going up Leith hill. Some old bloke on his rickety old bike thought it would be a good idea to cycle DOWN into the oncoming masses on the side with the faster riders (not myself!). He probably thought it be okay as long as he was ringing his bell as he went. Someone behind me seriously verbally laid into him.

On a personal note, had a fantastic time! Only managed 3.5hrs total sleep before my 4am alarm but a pleasant stress free drive to the O2 car park. The kid in me made me use the emirates airline for the sake of the cool ride (which it was!) and got to the start in plenty of time. First section was super quick and was averaging over 21mph. Had handily arranged a pit stop with Mrs Zcapp96 at Weybridge were I swapped water bottles and had a quick selfie with the kids. Managed the rest of the ride without stopping for an offical time of 5h 24m, 5h 11m strava moving. Very chuffed with this. Will enter the ballot for next year, cannot beat the feeling of riding closed roads with the crowds cheering you on!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
While I was waiting for the pro race to finish, a woman on the spectator side came up and asked a Marshall close by where the medals were. The Marshall then told us that she had got picked by by the sweeper with 10 miles to go and had asked if she would still get a medal. I don't know if she did though.

While having evening dinner, a friend commented his friend had got swept up at 90 miles. Dunno if same female or not, but he's text her to ask if she got her medal. Real bummer to do all the hard work, be so close to the end, and have such an easy ride left, only to be taken off. Understandable why, but heartbreaking, I'm sure.

Will post when I get a reply from him.

Also, on the subject of tunes, and this is no word of a lie, all of Saturday while driving to Stratford I was humming Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. I'm not a particular fan, and I hadn't heard it on the radio, it was just stuck in my head. Our song that came on while waiting to go? Sweet Caroline.



Queen, Neil Diamond, Meatloff, what was the average age of participants ^_^ While watching the Grand Prix on Saturday and the Pro's on Sunday, there were people moving because of the music :smile:

The group that went off before me made the announcer say something funny. Can't remember the exact words but it went something like:

Wave (what ever it was), what is your choice? Although none of you at the front are have that wave on your number.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Our wave - tandem city - got Meatloaf "Bat out of hell": several options were offered and that got the overwhelming vote. The wave before got "We will rock you" which seemed to go down well!
You learn new things about those you love every day. I didn't know that @rvw was a secret rocker* - she actually cheered when Mr Loaf's oeuvre was announced.

*I may not have got the lingo quite right.



Very similar arguments are put up by motorists defending their unsafe close passing of cyclists!

I'm a club cyclist, used to riding close on a wheel in front and with someone close on my wheel behind and side by side with another rider. When riding a sportive, I keep left unless overtaking.

I'm not used to other riders pushing through gaps making shoulder contact as they do.

If I found it intimidating, what about the thousands of non-club cyclists? - comments in the pub after the ride (from club and no club cyclists) and from others on here suggest my experience on the ride was far from unique.

From the Ride website:

It’s Not a race!
The Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 is NOT A RACE, 
and you should not compromise your own safety – and that of the cyclists and spectators around you – by riding the sportive as if it was a race.

It's not the same because from a motorists perspective passing a cyclist by 10 cm, 50 cm or 5 metres makes no difference, they are never putting themself at any risk. A cyclist however judges what is safe based on risk to both parties. If they pass too close then they can suffer the consequences of any accident too. That is a big difference!

As for the comments in the pub - presumably everyone enjoying the post ride pint considered their own riding to be of the highest standard, impeccable and courteous, with any problem being due to everyone else being crap? I assume that is an opinion that all of us on CC share too - we're all awesome and the problem is with everyone else!

You mention being intimidated - most of us have been in that position at one point or another and when in that mindset every little thing is going to be a problem, whether it is an actual problem or not. Someone brushes your shoulder, not great behaviour for a sportive but call them on it or tap them to let them know you are there. Dont dwell on it, they likely just made a mistake or misjudged it's not being done out of malice.

My day started with my alarm going off at 3.45 am and got ready and out for the cab that was booked for 4.30, went to pick up my mate, who sadly hadnt woken up and there was a panicked 20 minutes of door banging and phone calls. Cab did well and we were dropped off in Blackwall lane at 6am, mate had to be in his start pen for 6.30 so we had to peg it a bit. First bit of drama came when the marshals didnt send us the right way to the start and we headed up the A12 right into the path of the first group, lots of screaming and a "Get off the road you f&%king Prick" from a London dickamo Dynamo rider, who if I meet again will never ride a bike again.

I mentioned this happening in an earlier post, i was on the other side of it so to speak.

The screaming and swearing doesnt sound too polite however it was an extremely dangerous situation considering the size of group and the speed it was going - going round one of the bends on the A12 there was very nearly a head on collision with a group going in the opposite way. They didnt get shouted at because everyone was too busy trying to avoid a mass pile up (you could smell the burning rubber and brake blocks in the air) but the ones that followed after that did get verbals from some riders. It's not your fault if a marshal sent you the wrong way but thats the reason you were getting shouted at.

I think they have a "lead car" to check that the route is clear and no one is allowed to pass it. That will obviously only be at the front though. Well, that's what I read last year.

The lead car was here this year too, like you say there to check the route is clear.

It was needed too - there was a close call with a work truck which looked to have coned itself onto the course when laying out the road closure signs and also a couple of cars which were on the course - fortunately going the same direction as the cyclists, although slower!
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