RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Is it bad to presume she won't get one because she didn't finish?
I'm in two minds. On one hand, she didn't finish but on the other hand 90 miles (or what ever it was if she had to take a diversion) was probably a big achievement for her and have seen the look on her face, it would have taken a very strong minded volunteer to not give her one.


Legendary Member
Indeed - if she had been held up for an hour at Leith and then for 15 minutes later, she probably would have made it from Wimbledon as the sweep was due to come through at 4.40 I think


I doubt some bloke (no club jersey from what I recall) barging between two cyclists on Boxhill and hitting both sets of handlebars in the process is safe riding in anyone's book.
Mark Cavendish (I think it was him) said once that if you put a club rider in a pro peloton, they would crash in the neutral zone.

So in a pro peleton, who barge each other all the time, who is the unsafe one, world class riders or the club rider!


Legendary Member
That's fine, but the pros expect the barging in a race, they presumably train in that environment and it's part of their sport.
However, two guys enjoying a ride ;) don't expect a total stranger to try to barge through a gap that isn't there on a crowded hill with riders (and walkers) of all abilities and experience. You can't compare the two scenarios

It was a driver trying to do the same thing who landed me in hospital 18 months ago :sad: If those guys had come off it would have been carnage


However, two guys enjoying a ride ;) don't expect a total stranger to try to barge through a gap that isn't there on a crowded hill with riders (and walkers) of all abilities and experience.
I didn't see any of that on the three hills, it was just people saying "on your right" and people moving out the way. I'm not saying what your saying isn't true though.

That's the point I'm trying to make. It started at 6am and finished at 17:30 (I think) so 11h30 in total and none of us would have seen everything. So it is unfair to make some of the generalisations that have been made in here.

So maybe we can now leave it at that and if need be, agree to disagree :smile:

Rob H

Eat, Sleep, Climb, Repeat
Ive read all this and Sleaver is spot on.

I'm a Club Rider and rode in a 4 man pace line, sometimes with 30 other bikes taking a tow without any intention of taking a turn, we past courteously on the right always warning and thanking those we past... I cant however say whether the other on the train did as i dont know them and thats the point... When 25000 fatigued cyclists are on the same road their bubble becomes very very small and quite understandably that drives their point of view. I saw people swerve into others and then apologise as they themselves were avoiding something and so on.

Unless you received a direct physical or verbal issue its not the product of cycling levels its the product of 25000 human beings all tired and wanting to sit in the same spot

Rob H

Eat, Sleep, Climb, Repeat
As an aside i did pass a guy riding no handed with headphones in... that's just stupid :biggrin:


As an aside i did pass a guy riding no handed with headphones in... that's just stupid :biggrin:
One rider went past me and he didn't bother with headphones to listen to music, he just had a loudspeaker :smile:

One rider close by said something like "thats how you pimp up a bike" :laugh:


I decided early on that I didn't want to ride with my club, they had all done it before and we're looking for quicker times. I did my own thing and enjoyed the day. It was fairly easy to know and keep an eye out on what was happening around me, most groups gave shouts of 'on the right' but you could mostly hear them before that. I made sure I stayed on my line and left space an corners. On the hills I was very vigilant and tried to give everyone I passed space. I think I got shouted at once by a guy who wobbled into me as I was passing him on Leith, but I tried to plan out the ride by looking ahead and considering other riders. One guy nearly wiped me out on a corner, I had seen him on my right, nothing on my left so I drifted wider, he apologised. There were a few idiots, but you get them everywhere in a mass of others. If I was drafting someone, I let them know I was there, but I only drafted club jerseys and then not too close. Most drafting me, didn't announce their existence but I knew they were there.

Overall a great day out, trying to get up a 4am was a struggle, cramp at 98.5 miles was a pain, my Strava time of 5:33 was 3 minutes over the time I wanted to achieve.

Rob H

Eat, Sleep, Climb, Repeat
One rider went past me and he didn't bother with headphones to listen to music, he just had a loudspeaker :smile:

One rider close by said something like "thats how you pimp up a bike" :laugh:

Was that the guy on the single speed and 3/4 length tan shorts? Passed him on Leith.. To be fair, on the left, on a single, entertaining the masses...classic!

Infact oddly my mate made that very statement as we passed him... spooky
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Über Member
My day started with my alarm going off at 3.45 am and got ready and out for the cab that was booked for 4.30, went to pick up my mate, who sadly hadnt woken up and there was a panicked 20 minutes of door banging and phone calls. Cab did well and we were dropped off in Blackwall lane at 6am, mate had to be in his start pen for 6.30 so we had to peg it a bit. First bit of drama came when the marshals didnt send us the right way to the start and we headed up the A12 right into the path of the first group, lots of screaming and a "Get off the road you f&%king Prick" from a London dickamo Dynamo rider, who if I meet again will never ride a bike again.

Got to the start and it was all very organised, I honestly think I set off way too quickly. My 17 mile split was 54 minutes, and I think that hurt me as the day wore on. Felt like I was going up a mountain from Ripley to Newlands, but managed to get up Newlands faster than I had ever done before. I got to Leith hill in time for it to be shut, had no idea what had happened, but there was a strange feeling of something not right as I rejoined the A25 and the group of cyclists that had stopped there had a strange atmosphere.

Dorking high street was solid, and was walking speed only through the narrow section.

Had to walk up Box hill after the second hairpin, jelly legs took over, was gutted as i have done this before. Stopped at Leatherhead and had my first pee of the day, and that is when my problems really started, it was stinging like an absolute B@stard, and plagued me until late last night, was shivering and had to keep stopping regularly for a wee. By the time I got out of Esher cramp started setting in in my hamstring and thigh, but this passed by the time I got to Putney.

It was a really hard slog to the finish, but wow what a finish, coming up whitehall, seeing Nelsons column and turning into the Mall will stay with me forever, made even better seeing my Wife, kids and mum just after the finish line. Amazing.

As for the agressive riding of certain people, I did see that, these people need to chill out and if they want fast times on these segments for Strava then they need to go out on a quite Sunday morning, Its like the M25 in the rush hour, if there is no room to overtake, you have to wait.

Far too many crashes for my liking, didnt see any actually happen but lots of people laying in the road, and obviously the sad news that one of our own has passed away, rest in peace dude.

Would I do it again? Absolutely, but more training and more weight loss required, and I don't think I will do it for charity again. Its ballot or bust for me.


Was that the guy on the single speed and 3/4 length tan shorts? Passed him on Leith.. To be fair, on the left, on a single, entertaining the masses...classic!
I don't think so from what I can remember. He went past me somewhere well before the Surrey Hills though. As I only really know the part of the course around Dorking/Abinger Hammer/Shere etc. all the other parts are a bit of a blur as to their place names :smile:
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