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Arrg...another rgt update...almost missed the start again. I have to deinstall and then reinstall. I really don't want to join the race 15 minutes before the race to make sure everything is sorted. Of course, don't get me wrong...the updates are good...but when I miss a ride because of it it sort of ruins the moment a bit. I have to find another routine obviously, that takes the update and other app issues into account.

Anyway, tried the ITT 40k today...a different experience but with 15 sec starting intervals it did offer something new. New is fun (but terribly hard)! There are some strong riders out there on the platform!
Did my first ITT with a gapped start yesterday, thankfully after a 22km race out was only 8 kms b boy out was tough. I have a lot to learn and yes some very strong riders. I. Kopvic is a monster.
I'm loving the variety of rgt. Tomorrow another age adjusted 60kms race, hope i can match last week's second place.


Did my first ITT with a gapped start yesterday, thankfully after a 22km race out was only 8 kms b boy out was tough. I have a lot to learn and yes some very strong riders. I. Kopvic is a monster.
I'm loving the variety of rgt. Tomorrow another age adjusted 60kms race, hope i can match last week's second place.
What event is that?


That event today is interesting, total time isn't what you're judged on rather the timed segments... So ride easy in a team to each segment and blast away then regroup to the next section or just get in a group and ride hard all the time?


Über Member
@shimceltic I saw you signed up for the e-fondo thursday at 20cet, i did so too...if i have the legs for it i will attempt to do both the bkool stage and the e-fondo.
You did the last one, right? how was it with the timed segments...nice and slow and then full steam or just full steam all the way?


@shimceltic I saw you signed up for the e-fondo thursday at 20cet, i did so too...if i have the legs for it i will attempt to do both the bkool stage and the e-fondo.
You did the last one, right? how was it with the timed segments...nice and slow and then full steam or just full steam all the way?
I was in a group of similar abilities but got dropped as they seemed to be pushing before segments, took a drink and got spat out! Someone in the group was trying to explain to them how it worked . Some of the timed sections are long so smaller groups formed.
I don't think I'll be doing Thursday as its 1300m climbing in 40km. Bit much for a weeknight. Will do the Sunday ones though. Also gonna miss the omnium tonight as I'm working away from home


Senior Member
I had another sh1t tech night, RGT wouldn't find my power,cadence or HR so I rebooted both the tablet and the PC, the PC naturally had an update to do and once that cleared we were already on race 3, thankfully Bkool can run on one device so did a little ride on the tablet. Race 3 was already underway and took me a few mins to get my devices reconnected, out of bloodimindedness I rode the course and came last :laugh:. managed to join race 4 but the control app. had 'couldn't connect to server, reconnecting' or something similar. Rode it in the 2nd group but soon got lapped. There's always next week...

I can see lot of people got eliminated at the start of the 4th race so I assume that server issue tripped up loads and got you too @Add

@perswe won the 2nd [edit: 3rd] race https://rgtdb.com/events/62059 👍 :cheers:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7R18l_iV8I
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