Iirc there's been a few war service medals issued long after WWII to civilian occupations who served in Britain because their jobs were reserved. What criteria did they use to decide which were worthy? To me it seems it was whichever group had the most vocal and influential supporters.
@Mad Doug Biker you're late to the thread, good contribution. No idea how much poppy merch costs to produce. I do wonder how much more or less they might get with or without the poppy emblem/merch cost?
BTW I think I was the one who first raised non military service like rail workers. I don't really think the majority of the public really think about how much of a team effort for a country a large war really is. Or the sacrifice made often by people they never think of at poppy time. The women working in munitions factories, miners tunnelling under enemy trenches in WWI, etc. Merchant navy keeping Russia supplied via the Arctic route was another. Not military navy.
The whole remembrance day thing to me always seemed an army thing. It seemed to me to be about fundraising for soldiers after the great war that went on beyond it's need. Right now I think RBL Ltd has had it's day as I think there's other armed forces charities that seem more relevant and dare I say it do more good!