I use the phone all the time when travelling (within the legal boundaries of course) : navigation, calls, audio books, music, I'm planning to start streaming my rides. Phones are an awesome tool. Never had an accident, close call, or any other issue, and it likely saved me during a recent Grand Union Canal assault. To ban hands-free use in cars would be a rather backward act (and then of course there would be little reason not to ban passengers from speaking, or phone use during cycling as well: nightmare scenarios for most people).I wouldn't describe myself as a mobile phone addict, but I still wouldn't go on a bike ride more than a mile or two from home without it in my pocket.
It very rarely comes out of that pocket, but it is there on those rare occasions I need it (or want!) it. There is no inconvenience to me in carrying it, just sitting in the pocket of my jersey.
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