Legendary Member
Interesting reply on BR to a question about video use/links by Roadsafe (my bolds):
Thank you for raising this, you may not be aware but the ROADSAFE system is in the development stages where we are ironing out many issues before we launch it for the whole of London.
This was not something we had thought of and is a very valid point. We have discussed the issue and from now on when we have been given evidence via a 'you tube' or other public domain link (If we think the informants details could not be found from it) we will indeed be including the link details if we send out a letter to the driver.
Our intention is predominately to raise driver awareness / behaviour, however if the video / evidence is compelling enough it will be forwarded to the relevant department with a view to prosecution.
This will entail the informant being contacted and being asked to provide a statement (Along with a certified copy of the video)