You didn't really get my hidden point, which was, you don't really come across as a cyclist. You seem to have an image which is commonly held by motorists. "All cyclists break road laws, cycling through red lights and riding on the pavement"
Which isn't the case.
On the other hand all white van drivers are overweight males who drive like idiots and wolf whistle at ladies.
It's good to hear your still cycling, keep it up!
Hi again gaz. No, I have been there,done that and thrown away a tattered jersey many a time. I have ridden on pavements and with no lights (delayed by a girl friend,yes she did get punctured;but not her tyres!!!!!!!!!) and got hauled over by a cousin of Dixon of Dock Green and well & truly nicked,on both counts. Not even my Scouse whit about the punctured girl friend saved me). I think he was P***ed off because he was on night duty.
The latest breed of white van is not Male,if you are really lucky you will see a tasty single mum that needs to work and survive in a world that was dominated by little short of Viking Descendants.
I believe that a minority of the males still do whistle,but at other (apparent) blokes!!!!!!!!.
At 65yrs old and still alive(at present) and still riding, the only thing that I need to prove (to myself) is that I can still do it and stay alive on the Tarmacadam Jungle.