Replacing a wheelset…..

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Devotee of OCD
I found Carrera stock wheels a bit pants as I went through 2 rear wheels in 4 years on my vanquish before getting some decathlon branded wheels

Interesting ! What were your wheel issues ?


Devotee of OCD
So shop looked at my rear wheel right away.
The noise I had was a slightly pulsating - but pretty much constant ‘dry’ type noise. That isn’t audible with no weight on. But as soon as I sit on it - it’s there. Not super loud. But there.

And there when pedalling, when freewheeling *So not crank - coming from further back than that. And that would indicate it’s not gear related either. But again - I can’t get it at all when bike is upside down. And if I pedal / freewheel or pedal backwards….

So shop took axle out, greased bearings (Which were on appearance already well greased) - bearings all good too. Made sure freewheel was tight - and checked all spokes.

I made sure brake Caliper was correct / pads not rubbing upon getting home. And still it remains when test ridden.

Thoughts ?


Devotee of OCD
Have you checked the rim is round and the tyre mounted evenly? I‘ve had pulsing if either aren’t right.

Tyre sits ‘ok’ on this rim. I have had to lubricate it previously / when new to get it to sit properly. With a few removals / refits - it now sits well. But throughout any of that - I’ve never previously found that to induce a noise.

Wheel is trued pretty damned well both laterally and rotationally.

Again and to be clear - this is a really dry type noise. Almost like a slight metal to metal contact. Or even hard brake pad to disc type noise. Ie: higher pitched and tinny - not a dull / deep noise.

Thanks for your thoughts 😎

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Does the bike have mudguards? You can get that whining if tyre rubbing guard.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I have two ideas:

Remove the brake caliper and strap it out of the way. If the noise goes away you know where to look.

Have you tried more and less tension on the QR? I've had some odd symptoms when QR tension is too low particularly.

Good luck!


Devotee of OCD
I have two ideas:

Remove the brake caliper and strap it out of the way. If the noise goes away you know where to look.

Have you tried more and less tension on the QR? I've had some odd symptoms when QR tension is too low particularly.

Good luck!

Arghhh. The first occurred to me too. I was sure it wasn’t the brakes - but adjusted Caliper position to be sure myself. I then doubted myself on the test ride when I still heard that noise 🤦‍♂️ I then thought above removing and tie-wrapping it to the frame. Good shout. Makes it 100% surety !!

Not a bad shout again ref the QR tension.. This wheel has been off (And so QR Skewer re tightened) many times recently with my documented puncture issues. And it’s not caused an issue yet. But never say never - and I did kind of undo and retighten the skewer just for the heck of it - when wheel position, the way the wheel had been held in the drop outs etc crossed my mind as a possible reason. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll positively loosen and tighten tension and test ride both accordingly.

Thanks very much for your thoughts. Appreciated.
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