Recurring threads -A list of topics which have been covered to death

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back and brave
Weegie said:
As a newcomer myself, I appreciate a place where I can ask stupid questions without fear of humiliation or retribution.

Spot on, imho.

I know a forum, a geeky techy one, that I'm terrified to ask a question on in case it's not clever enough. The admin/moderators there are quite ruthless not just in the 'use the search facility' responses but also in the manner that they rip the sh*t out of any 'stupid' questions.


Über Member
South Norfolk
I think that's a pretty comprehensive list so far.

UTFS should be posted more often :biggrin:
all beginners like my self are going to come out with the same questions. I thought the forum was here to help people or is it going to turn into a forum for the elite :biggrin:
The odd sticky to cover the comons ones would help I guess
Some people have forgotten that they were newbies once themselves!

Any question, however ´simple´, deserves an answer and given without aloofness or patronising tones.

If you don´t want to help someone else cos you´ve answered oh-so-many-times before, don´t answer it. Leave to someone with better people skills and a willingness to help.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Dayvo said:
Some people have forgotten that they were newbies once themselves!

Any question, however ´simple´, deserves an answer and given without aloofness or patronising tones.

If you don´t want to help someone else cos you´ve answered oh-so-many-times before, don´t answer it. Leave to someone with better people skills and a willingness to help.

Well said Dayvo.


New Member
Cubist said:
Yeah, Ok, but what I like about this forum is that a newbie can log on, ask the questions they have and only one or two will condescendingly chip in with "use the search function" or "not another clipless/which hybrid question" The majority of answers tend to be informative, non-judgemental and helpful. Which makes newbies happy to have come to probably the only internet forum where they won't be flamed if they don't appear to be experts. If the old skool brethren are bored with answering, then there's always P&L etc for them. The next generation will answer perfectly happily for them.

Keep 'em coming newbies!

Spot on. I really value the friendly nature of the forum.

I've been a member for a few months now but I have noticed there are some regular newbie questions that get asked:
- clipless
- tyres
- saddles
- luggage

Maybe some stickies on these topics would help - a bit like my "best advice to newbies" stickie.


Active Member
How about a list of topics that have been done to death ???



Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
And if you banned "I'm in my forties and have returned to cycling after a twenty year lay-off and am a bit of a porker" threads you wouldn't even need a beginners' section..........:rolleyes:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
beachcaster said:
How about a list of topics that have been done to death ???


That's not a bad idea...
Direction in Beginners to a sticky that says... hey guys, if you have a question about these topics... please try a few searches first.
However... these questions in themselves help newbies get 'engaged' with the forum and there's always a chance that the newbie will search, not find the answer and then be loathed tio ask his specific Campag vs. Shimano question in case he gets flamed for not searvching for the answer.
Worth a go anyway.


New Member
Im a moderator on another (non cycling) forum and the issue of repeat questions / threads etc has come up there on occassion. Opinion is divided of course but concensus is that referring new comers to the search function is frowned upon.

I quite agree.



New Member
I would also add that using the search function is not always the best idea if the threads are quite old. For instance asking "what is hardtail MTB for under £700 would you recommend" would give a different answer each year as new models come out, specs change and prices change.

I guess questions like going clipless; shaving your legs; gearing etc are pretty timeless and would be better served by a stickie.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
SoulOnIce said:
I would also add that using the search function is not always the best idea if the threads are quite old. For instance asking "what is hardtail MTB for under £700 would you recommend" would give a different answer each year as new models come out, every five bloody minutes as the various bike mags recommend whatever brand gives them the most freebies and someone else tells you that little red anodized headsets mean you can go downhill faster and get loads more girlfriends, oh and specs change and prices change.

I guess questions like going clipless; shaving your legs; gearing etc are pretty timeless and would be better served by a stickie.

Fixed it for ya.:ohmy:
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