Recurring threads -A list of topics which have been covered to death

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As a solution to this problem has CC ever thought about writing short guides on each subject summarising the information in each thread. Or instead, a sticky listing each common topic with the best threads linked to below?

Would also be good to start with a polite message.


Well-Known Member
Riverman said:

I was just wondering what topics have been covered to death on here.
My two candidates are - cycling with headphones and whether to wear a helmet.

Any others?

Isn't this a beginners forum? If so, is it not entirely reasonable to expect recurring topics? As a newcomer myself, I appreciate a place where I can ask stupid questions without fear of humiliation or retribution. It's also a nice place for newcomers to warm up their foruming skills, and a place where I don't believe it's altogether constructive to tell people that "this has been discussed a million times before" and to "use the search bar". Neither piece of advice is friendly to the newcomer, and both will just put people off returning.

If I'm wrong, just say so and I'll get me coat.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I guess I'm guilty of asking obvious, old hat questions. I have asked questions on here, and some people have been kind enough to offer advice. As a newbie, I come here to try and gain some real world advice and learn from other peoples experience, which acts as a supplement to the static info held on a web site or in a book. EVERYBODY had to learn from the basics at some point.

I have found this site to be an excellent and friendly resource whilst learning a new skill.

It would be a shame for people to get fed up repeating themselves, but that's up to them, perhaps a few more sticky subjects would, as suggested, help out.

Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
Riverman said:
As a solution to this problem has CC ever thought about writing short guides on each subject summarising the information in each thread. Or instead, a sticky listing each common topic with the best threads linked to below?

Would also be good to start with a polite message.

As I said above, I'd be happy to write (for example) a clipless sticky, or a thread to be linked to from a master FAQ sticky. Shall we?



Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Yeah, Ok, but what I like about this forum is that a newbie can log on, ask the questions they have and only one or two will condescendingly chip in with "use the search function" or "not another clipless/which hybrid question" The majority of answers tend to be informative, non-judgemental and helpful. Which makes newbies happy to have come to probably the only internet forum where they won't be flamed if they don't appear to be experts. If the old skool brethren are bored with answering, then there's always P&L etc for them. The next generation will answer perfectly happily for them.

Keep 'em coming newbies!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
It will all have been said before at some point... time to move on when you've become bored I suppose.


West Midlands
There is a post on Pedals and what Cleats match which Pedals. This could be added to and a list compiled.
Lights - I'm sure the same can be done.
Compact v Triple - Jim could simplify some formula or link to Sheldon Browns calculator which helped me decide.

Also maybe a separate section for peoples video's because they are very tedious.

soulful dog

Cubist said:
what I like about this forum is that a newbie can log on, ask the questions they have and only one or two will condescendingly chip in with "use the search function" or "not another clipless/which hybrid question" The majority of answers tend to be informative, non-judgemental and helpful. Which makes newbies happy to have come to probably the only internet forum where they won't be flamed if they don't appear to be experts
Spot on Cubist. This forum is terrific due to the people on it generally being a pretty helpful bunch. You don't feel daft asking questions and will always get at least one reply with some good advice - and even if you're not a beginner it can still be interesting to read some of the advice handed out. Though that's not to say some guides pinned to the top of the beginners forum wouldn't be a welcome addition.


back and brave
Shorinjidude said:
leave the forum alone for a while?

In all honesty, I think that is the answer if anyone is getting seriously bothered by the same questions cropping up. You've got roots growing if you find yourself angered by such things and it's not any individual forumer's place to dictate what can or can't be asked (me included). To even think you can smacks of treating the place as your own living room.

I'm not going to be holier-than-thou and say a plethora of 'what's the best' type question doesn't bug me but I'm neither obliged to read them nor answer them. I always try and remember that someone is asking a genuine question and would like an answer (well, except blazed perhaps :biggrin:) . Perhaps they have searched before asking but just haven't found the answer they're looking for.
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