Recommend me a new folding bike

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Legendary Member
Suggestions for a new folding bike please. I seem to have completely fallen out of love with my Airnimal Joey, to the point where I couldn't face getting on it and riding the Tissington Trail at the weekend. I had a bad accident on it a couple of years ago. The bike was unscathed but I broke my arm badly in three places and have taken 18 months to physically recover. Maybe there's a little PTSD lurking, not sure. I'm back on my Gazelle commuting to work and feel fine on that. The Airnimal position also now seems to aggravate the wrist that I broke. All told, it's time for a change. I'm hoping you wise folding-bike experts can give me some recommendations.

1. A bike I can tour on with full camping equipment. I love a folder for being able to spontaneously change my plans and jump on a train without the worry of booking.
2. Able to take the combined weight of me and luggage (95kg?)
3. Able to do reasonably long distances e.g. 40-60 miles
4. Super quick folding isn't a must. I take it on holiday in the car and do a few tours by train every year.
5. Something I could get repaired in a random bike shop while on tour (I'm no mechanic)
6. Ideally dynamo lights but this is a nice-to-have

I have a local dealer that sells Terns, Bromptons and Birdys.

Would I be crazy to look at one of the cheaper Decathlon options? One caught my eye at the weekend.

For an example of the type of trip I may do, check out the blog from my Spanish trip two years ago

Hit me with your suggestions ^_^


Folk have successfully toured on Bromptons for some years now, but don't know at what level of 'commitment'.
Worth a look.


Legendary Member
Folk have successfully toured on Bromptons for some years now, but don't know at what level of 'commitment'.
Worth a look.

Yes, Youtube keeping recommending me videos of people touring on Bromptons! I test rode one briefly about 15 years ago and found it a bit twitchy but need to have another go.
A Bike Friday would tick all your boxes (I have one and I love it) but they don't have a UK distributor these days. Worth keeping an eye on the second-hand market - there's been one for sale on the Cycling UK Forum for a while, don't know if it's sold yet.


Legendary Member
A Bike Friday would tick all your boxes (I have one and I love it) but they don't have a UK distributor these days. Worth keeping an eye on the second-hand market - there's been one for sale on the Cycling UK Forum for a while, don't know if it's sold yet.

I did try one when I bought my Airnimal but can't remember why I didn't go for it. I'd prefer to get something I can try.
People do rave about them though. It's a shame the local dealer no longer stocks them.


Active Member
Mrs . B and I have ridden many trips with Dahon Speeds (see attached photo from a few days in East Anglia in May this year).
The current D8 version uses better gears and the chain rings are bolted on and so can be replaced with smaller, more touring friendly, sizes.

I find the Dahons to be tough (quality steel frames), not too heavy and very adjustable so you can find a position similar to a full size touring bicycle (unlike the Decathlon bikes). Dahon have been making the Speed for over 20 years (I bought my first one new in 1996) and spares are available from various sources.

A certain "mechanical sympathy" is necessary with any bicycle to detect when something is not right (starting to work loose, etc) and the Dahons are no different - the frame and handlepost hinges should always close positively - but that is the only specific issue that I have come across. All other parts are common bicycle fair and will not trouble your average LBS mechano.

Bike Fridays are lovely - I bought one in 1995 - the ride is great (slightly better than the Dahon) but the "fold" is more "take apart and throw in a bag" than "swiss army knife"

The OP's CGOAB trip would certainly be feasible with Dahon Speeds - just be careful with snow jamming under the mudguards ;-)

Hope this helps !



Legendary Member
Probably better off looking at different bars, grips (ergon) and or stem for the Joey.


Legendary Member
Mrs . B and I have ridden many trips with Dahon Speeds (see attached photo from a few days in East Anglia in May this year).
The current D8 version uses better gears and the chain rings are bolted on and so can be replaced with smaller, more touring friendly, sizes.

I find the Dahons to be tough (quality steel frames), not too heavy and very adjustable so you can find a position similar to a full size touring bicycle (unlike the Decathlon bikes). Dahon have been making the Speed for over 20 years (I bought my first one new in 1996) and spares are available from various sources.

A certain "mechanical sympathy" is necessary with any bicycle to detect when something is not right (starting to work loose, etc) and the Dahons are no different - the frame and handlepost hinges should always close positively - but that is the only specific issue that I have come across. All other parts are common bicycle fair and will not trouble your average LBS mechano.

Bike Fridays are lovely - I bought one in 1995 - the ride is great (slightly better than the Dahon) but the "fold" is more "take apart and throw in a bag" than "swiss army knife"

The OP's CGOAB trip would certainly be feasible with Dahon Speeds - just be careful with snow jamming under the mudguards ;-)

Hope this helps !

View attachment 739220

That's very helpful. Thanks.


Legendary Member
Probably better off looking at different bars, grips (ergon) and or stem for the Joey.

Already got Ergon grips on the Joey and that doesn't help. I probably do need to try again but have a bit of a mental block and also a new bike itch :laugh:. My wrist felt fine on my full size Spa Cycles tourer as I was putting less weight through it. It's my folder that I reach for though because of the flexibility and portability so I need to find something I'm happy with.


Legendary Member
Already got Ergon grips on the Joey and that doesn't help. I probably do need to try again but have a bit of a mental block and also a new bike itch :laugh:. My wrist felt fine on my full size Spa Cycles tourer as I was putting less weight through it. It's my folder that I reach for though because of the flexibility and portability so I need to find something I'm happy with.

New bike itch is fine, we're all human, but it will likely have similar geometry to the Joey if its a 20" folder. Ff you put the two side by side Joey and Spa, can you do anything to get the saddles, BBs and H-bars roughly aligned so it takes the pressure of your wrist when on the folder too?
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