Recommend a good commuting bike?

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Minkowski Space
They'd have to be waterproof for transporting the laptop - which is by far the heaviest thing I carry in my rucksack at the moment. I'm on lunch now so will have a look around. Thanks, all, for the suggestions to date!

I would suggest putting a laptop or anything else you don't want to get wet in a plastic bag. Even if you do have waterproof panniers, rain can still leak in and form a puddle at the bottom. Though you'll be surprised just how dry panniers tend to stay - when it's raining, the thing that gets wettest is invariably myself!


BB wrecker
Just to let all the people that commented here know. I now have my new bike. Went for a Claud Butler Explorer 400. Hard tailed but with front suspension. I've seen all the comments about energy absorption etc... but as a general rule I kepe my backside in the saddle and have very little weight over the front forks. Certainly don't feel like I'm losing any power transmission. Have it fitted out with my lights/speedo etc... and have a U lock (and locked/covered compound) to store it in at work.

Went for the CB as I'd had one before a few years ago and it just felt like a part of me. The new bike is just the same and motors. Have already taken 4 mins of each leg of my 4 mile commute (one either side of train journeys getting here). Crusing speed on the flat is now a lot more respectable 23mph and feels like there's more to come once my legs get fully back in shape.

Still really enjoying the commute. Just need to get some paniers now to carry in things like clothes and laptop (for the one week in 4 I'm on call). At the moment using a rucksack which isn't ideal as it restricts the rib cage a little. Any suggestions for decent ones?

I too bought a CB Explorer 400 and it is an excellent bike. One gripe i have though is the ride position (for me anyway) It feels like there is way too much weight on the bars and i would prefer a more upright position but i cannot raise the bars as it is an A-head type. Have you found this to be the case? Or is it me getting used to riding again after a 30 year absence! Many thanks.
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