Really feeling the cold

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In between here and there
..actually thats a good point...about not sweating as much...I almost never sweat on rides these days...erm..except in Kansas lol!

Maybe im just fitter and not pushing myself hard enough to keep warmer....doh.
I was getting worried but I read that the core temp can effect hands and feet, and there is no doubt I am not sweating anywhere near like I was last winter on my torso, my base layer is barely damp.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I'm actively considering wearing a long sleeved t-shirt instead of a vest on my rides. I've definitely got softer since moving down from the North East. I'd normally ride bare chested in this weather.

But in all seriousness. I'm four stones lighter than last year and I've been riding 100km audaxes in subzero temperatures wearing

Roubaix tights, a Canterbury base layer, a cycle shirt, a cycle jacket and a diaphanous windstopper layer along with a pair of Gore winstopper gloves. I've never worn overshoes. I've always been blessed with good circulation to my extremeties.

I carry a spare layer or two with me but have never needed to wear them.


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria
I watched a tv programme the other week with a polar explorer bloke on it. Someone asked the question about cold hands and feet. He said the mistake most people make is to do gloves and shoes/boots up too tight, thus restricting circulation.

I'm thin and really feel the cold too. I've started putting looser socks on, and fastening my gloves and shoes as loosely as I can get away with..........I think it helps a little


My tip for cold hands is but some sealskin EXTREME cold weather cycling gloves I've worn these all winter and hands are never cold sometimes I have to stop and take them off for a minute or two to let my hands cool . Never had problem with gears etc even riding with UI 2


sutton coldfield
Same here 46 yrs lost 3st-7lb now my hands really do feel the cold to the degree of its so painfull sometimes just cannot get them warm and when i do it takes ages. Will try Rugbyman's tip as above

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm over 50 and in the last 6 years i've felt the cold more. I lost two and a half stone due to illness so i put it down to that maybe. My favourite outdoor temperature was around 72 F for years, but i now feel better in over 80 F. Which means that i will probably feel warm outdoors for about 2 weeks this summer.:rain:
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