Really feeling the cold

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
recently Ive noticed a change in me...I feel the cold MUCH more than ever before. Especially my hands and feet....on the bike I wear way more than other riders I see out and about and Im still shivering even at pace.

Im 51, Ive lost a bit of weight but nothing to remarkable recently anyway.

Anybody else outhere of a similar age experience such a change?....or have I just caught wimp itis?


Senior Member
St George
Not yet 50, I've months left in my late 40s, but feeling the cold! Oh yes, I've lost a fair amount of weight over the last two and a half years, and felt the cold for the first time in so Long that I didn't have any jumpers or what my mother would refer to as a "good coat"
Even at Night I've been forced by the cold to wear more than just aftershave.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
so maybe this is something that happens around this time of life?'s like my thermostat got reset out in the states this summer wherw it was silly since i got back its been like riding in a deep freeze even on relatively mild winter rides.


Über Member
+1 from me, yes nearing the magic 50 lost 24 llbs and feeling the cold in my hands and feet more and more, plastic freezer bags on feet as a layer help and thin gloves inside my riding gloves help:thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Yep, me too. 53 year old female who has lost a bit of weight over the last couple of years too.

Feet get pretty chilly, but hands are almost unbearable. Yesterday morning it was certainly about minus 4 when I set out but I had silk liner gloves under another pair of gloves and after about 5 miles spent most of the time shaking my hands and flexing my fingers to try and keep some circulation going but no good. Totally numb and sore by the time I got back. Then, once indoors and the circulation comes back they were agony. Like red hot daggers being stuck into my fingers!

Have just ordered yet another pair of supposedly winter gloves to try.

Wondered if latex gloves underneath would work to keep the windchill out???
Only a whipper snapper at 44 but blimey tis cold, Can only put it down to the 20kg lost in the last 18 months.


Fan Boy No More.
I'm a youngster at 32. But oh my Lord, since weight loss, I've struggled like hell with the cold, even when the sun is out

I suspect it's weight loss, rather than age related tbh.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
When I became a skinny bugger, I shivered a lot that winter!

I put the weight back on, and didn't suffer like that in subsequent winters.

Now I am half way in between and I am feeling the cold but don't feel hypothermic as soon as a cloud blows in front of the sun.

Fat is a very good insulator, so it isn't surprising.

I think increasing age is a factor too because the cold didn't bother me much when I was young even though I wasn't fat then.


Formerly just_fixed
Ahhhh, that explains my feeling the cold as well. I've lost a lot of weight quite quickly, just thought I was getting soft...:smile:


World class procrastinator
I am 49 in a fortnight and I feel the cold and am nesh beyond belief. I have Reynauds Syndrome and my hands are in a state at the best of times. Even with overshoes my feet freeze, I have a size larger shoes and thicker socks but its no good. I have little thin silk undergloves to go under my sealskinz and my hands freeze.
I have gone down the 'bugger all this until the weather warms up' route!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
But I didn't expect it to affect my hands and feet...not much fat in them there parts.
You'd be surprised!

I didn't think that my wrists were fat but I had to take my watch strap in 2 notches when I lost weight!

I mentioned elsewhere today that when I got skinny I could see through the skin on the back of my hands and all the gubbins inside became unpleasantly obvious! That was obviously due to the covering fat disappearing.

I did a quick search for 'cold hands and feet after weight loss' and there were all sorts of results, including suggestions that the body is trying to conserve calories because it isn't getting enough to maintain the metabolism at its normal rate.


Legendary Member
I haven't been feeling the cold like I used to and was putting this done to the new materials used and the styling of modern clothing. I haven't lost any weight and can't remember when I last had cold feet.(I'm over 51:whistle:)


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Well thank gawd for that...least it's not.just wimp itis then!

I thought maybe clingy. base layers should be replaced with.baggy one's to trap air etc...but I still.freeze
.....must look up there a pill for it? LOL
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