Obviously an Aubergine
I'd be amazed if that isn't the case.
Well if it isn't the case, then I very much doubt we'll be treated to any
"Look me n my family having a fabulous time on holiday in Madeira" pics..
I'd be amazed if that isn't the case.
Only an idiot would voluntarily spend a large part of Saturday, all of Sunday and Monday plus a chunk of Tuesday stuck in a hotel in Gatwick.I'd be amazed if that isn't the case.
You took a chance when you booked. Things have changed if you lose out that's tough. Booking foreign travel was a gamble.We live in London - From midnight Tier 4
No foreign travel allowed from Tier 4
We are due to fly from Gatwick (not in Tier 4) to Madeira on Tuesday.
(Edit: Booked in early Summer, hoping things might be resolved, fully covered by insurance, no financial loss if we cancel because of Tier 4 rules)
We could get a cab later this evening to Gatwick and check into a Hotel till Tuesday morning.
That looks legal.
We have already made our decision.
But what would the panel do?
Let's make it simple, nobody leaves the country except for emergency reasons, nobody other than UK Nationals are allowed into the country & as suggested anybody who does enters via any airport, port or rail link is forcibly detained/inturned for 14 days.We should set up quarantine camps for peopke arriving here from abroad. Perhaps Gruinard could be put to such use.
Sat watching Forrest Gump, with regard to the above, he was right-stupid is as stupid doesMy wife and the entire top half of the schools staff had to self isolate after 2 colleagues from the same family caught covid...from their nephew who came into the country to stay with them. The stupidity beggars belief, they happily mixed their extended family with the incomer, shared their travel to work in a car with other people, one carried on working despite feeling unwell and even mentioned they might...might, go for a covid test the next day. They did, positive, and In the meantime, infected two other members of staff. The entire upper end of school had to shut. Worse still, the school is for extremely vulnerable children with life shortening and life threatening conditions... one of the offending staff members child goes to the school and is accordingly extremely vulnerable.
It's like watching a film...there are no depths of stupidity people will plumb. A ban on unnecessary travel might have stopped all that.
Phaeton's got my vote.