In case you haven't figured it out, there is a pandemic going on across the planet. Almost 1.7 million people have died across the planet and that number is probably much lower than reality. And even worse, so many countless others have come down with Covid and are now suffering from permanent debilitating conditions to their lung and major organs, including the heart. So, let me get this right. You plan to take your family on a plane sitting in extremely close proximity to other people you don't know and breathing the same air they are exhaling for hours while you sit in a large metal tube. Does that really make sense to you? I've put off all travel until this thing is under control. That means no college visits with our son. Not something we are happy about but at least we all value our lives. You timing is also quite curious. You choose to travel when the virus is raging far beyond any other time since the pandemic began. Yeah, that seems real smart to me. Frankly, I don't see the dilema. I just see someone making a very poor decision.