Babylon 5 was utter utter toss. Sorry. One of the most overrated pretentious heaps of nonsense ever. At its low points the worst kind of vacuous American military SF, at its best simply over-emoted or obscure passing as 'meaningful' or 'enigmatic'... Battlestar Galactica has some quality acting but is showing worrying signs that it may be nothing more than another B5 in the end. The best you can say about DS9 is that it was a rather poor warm and fuzzy imitation.
Mind you TV sf is in general pretty crap, and for hardcore sf (not Sci-Fi, not even SF) people, the short story is the cultural form of choice.
Deanna Troi though...

sorry, I am a sad, sad man. I also used to be in a Star Trek society and learnt to write and speak Elvish when I was a kid (the Silmarilion was my favourite book as a child). Oh and tomorrow I am going to an exhibition of
Ultraman designs and drawings here in Tokyo...
Back to the original point - yes, with Chuffy's physique, Kirk would be the obvious conclusion.