Pure wifely evil!

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Über Member
<Charlie Brown> Oh good grief!</CB>


New Member
Good idea to be running.

Even though I'm a ST fan of many years, I think that Babylon 5 was better still.

I'll now join you in the running for the hills. Although as I don't run very well (me chesticles get in the way), I'll get on my bike instead of running...


Resting in suspended Animation
Hah, pretending to be sophicated! Yes, Babylon 5 was always the serious choice for a SF series favourite, at marts anyway.

As for Battlestar Galactica, which one? Original, spin-off, relaunched mini series or the awful recent series?


New Member
Colne, Lancs
Re-launched: mini-series and Season 1/2 (most of Season 3 is rubbish, but the end is a corker). Hopefully this season (the final one) will also be great. Better than Enterprise anyway.

Graham O

New Member
While reading the latest posts, I have just been asked "did they have bikes in all these SF series"? Any suggestions on how I should reply to my lovely girlfriend?

PS I have to say that last bit, 'cos she is reading this :blush:


Resting in suspended Animation
In some of these series, I don't see why not, they could have cycled round some of the larger star trek ships quite easily. So yes, they must have them, just we haven't seen them as they were clearly commuter cyclists and we haven't seen them whilst the crew were on duty.


New Member
Colne, Lancs
If sci-fi has taught me anything it is: why do you need a bike when you can have a hover-board?

Graham O

New Member
But since this is a cycling forum, she, naively, assumed we have to talk about bikes all the time. She isn't convinced by your replies.

But one of the replies suggested cycling around a starship. What would happen when the gravity generators were turned off? And would a fixed wheel be better than geared?


New Member
Colne, Lancs
We're in the cafe here, we don't always just talk about cycling. In fact, unlike most other cycling forums this one rarely talks about cycling at all. I'm all for hoverboards.

If the gravity were turned off then both you and the bike would float about. If you were clipped in, then you would float about connected to the bike. A floating bike is useless (hence why fish can't stand bikes). Fixed wheel would be dangerous I reckon, you'd get a high pace up due to the flat, and before you know it you've mown down Wesley Crusher or something.


Babylon 5 was utter utter toss. Sorry. One of the most overrated pretentious heaps of nonsense ever. At its low points the worst kind of vacuous American military SF, at its best simply over-emoted or obscure passing as 'meaningful' or 'enigmatic'... Battlestar Galactica has some quality acting but is showing worrying signs that it may be nothing more than another B5 in the end. The best you can say about DS9 is that it was a rather poor warm and fuzzy imitation.

Mind you TV sf is in general pretty crap, and for hardcore sf (not Sci-Fi, not even SF) people, the short story is the cultural form of choice.

Deanna Troi though... :biggrin: sorry, I am a sad, sad man. I also used to be in a Star Trek society and learnt to write and speak Elvish when I was a kid (the Silmarilion was my favourite book as a child). Oh and tomorrow I am going to an exhibition of Ultraman designs and drawings here in Tokyo...

Back to the original point - yes, with Chuffy's physique, Kirk would be the obvious conclusion.


New Member
I can't let this geekery go by without mentioning Dark Angel. I know she didn't ride it but at least she posed with her messengerish bike and looked pouty. Works for me.

For added nerd points, convert Max to either Cyberpunk2020 or Shadowrun stats :biggrin:
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