Guess I'm going to hell now... team bike, team kit, team helmet, team water bottles to name but a few bits.

But hey on the positive side I have a nice bike with Di2, Zipp wheels, Zipp Stem and Bars, with Q-Rotor and carbon cranks..... for some reason I don't mind looking like a complete idiot because the bike and kit make me smile.
That's what cycling is all about for me, I spend my entire working day making others happy.... In my spare time I work at making myself happy not pleasing others, my bike and kit was brought for me.
I can't help but wonder if the people who have opinions about what kit you should or should not wear have the same thoughts regarding bikes? - Should I not ride a HTC Team Venge as I never rode for the team itself. What about Boardman Air owners should they be ashamed if they are not triathletes? ..and I can't help but be concerned for Trek owners if they are expected to join a team and take epo
Whole damn subject of clothing is so so funny to me, the people I choose to cycle with I do so because they are nice people. I don't give a crap what they ride or what they wear... be nice, help your fellow cyclist, keep warm, be happy, is it really more complicated than that or am I missing something?