Pro compulsion

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back and brave
Flatulence is listed as a possible side effect of my blood pressure meds. Whether it is true or not I know not but it is certainly a handy excuse. Sorry dearest, not my fault, it's the meds...
its the title of the thread

Of course it is...... and you have missed the point yet again, as in other threads there are posts which have not been made such as:

Helmet compulsion now put to bed as it cannot go any further.

This is an attempt to remove compulsion from a discussion in which it has relevance. The original post is a reference to these attempts. This thread may be entitled "Compulsion for Giraffes to wear fruit as kneepads", but it would not remove or alter these attempts to sideline or hide compulsion from the main debate.
david k

david k

North West
so you come onto a pro compulsion thread to say that on another thread pro compulsion has been discussed in completion. Why not post it there?
so you come onto a pro compulsion thread to say that on another thread pro compulsion has been discussed in completion. Why not post it there?

Dear oh dear...lets make this very, very, very simple...

1. Compulsion has NOT been discussed in completion, this was a "decision" which you made, then denied and then confirmed that you had made
2. Compulsion is integral to the helmet debate, uncomfortable though this may be, it should not be removed from the main threads.
3. The point is that trying to hide compulsion in a separate thread rather than face the fact that it is integral is easier than discussing it.

If you need this expressed in even simpler terms, please let me know
Flatulence is listed as a possible side effect of my blood pressure meds. Whether it is true or not I know not but it is certainly a handy excuse. Sorry dearest, not my fault, it's the meds...

Some meds can also affect the odour and "strength"
Flatulence is listed as a possible side effect of my blood pressure meds. Whether it is true or not I know not but it is certainly a handy excuse. Sorry dearest, not my fault, it's the meds...

Some meds can also affect the odour and "strength"
david k

david k

North West
Dear oh dear...lets make this very, very, very simple...

back on the old, 'oh dear; start to the threads, lmao, its as if you have cut and paste from a troll site
david k

david k

North West
Dear oh dear...lets make this very, very, very simple...

1. Compulsion has NOT been discussed in completion, this was a "decision" which you made, then denied and then confirmed that you had made

i proved you had mixed up quotes from different dates on purpose to try to make your judgement correct, your mixing threads on purpose, keep trying
david k

david k

North West
Dear oh dear...lets make this very, very, very simple...

2. Compulsion is integral to the helmet debate, uncomfortable though this may be, it should not be removed from the main threads.

Lets get it clear, no its not, its an issue for you, most of us its less of an issue, your try to hijack all helmet threads all the time with your compulsion obsession, people cannot say they feel the helmet worked without you bringing up compulsion.
david k

david k

North West
Dear oh dear...lets make this very, very, very simple...

3. The point is that trying to hide compulsion in a separate thread rather than face the fact that it is integral is easier than discussing it.

If you need this expressed in even simpler terms, please let me know

your posting on a specific compulsion thread that the issue is being hidden, you couldnt write it lol, oh you did


This really isn't a big issue.

If helmets were made compulsory, I'd continue to ride.

My wife and children would continue to ride.

The world wouldn't end.

If helmets were made compulsory in the middle of a forest and there was no-one there to hear it, would it make a noise?

Endless entertainment is provided for the neutral by the increasingly angry polemic this topic offers us, but it really isn't an issue.

I doubt that helmets will be made compulsory. In the unlikely event that they are, who will enforce the law?

Have a peep at the rear seats of passing cars. How many of the occupants are belted in?

Drive at 30 in a 30-limit area. You will hold up the traffic.

Drive at 40 in a 40... Likewise.

Similarly 50, 60 and 70..... although by then there will be more than one lane so people can pass you.

Have a peep at vanity plates on passing cars.... Many have illegal fonts or spacing. Drivers are either serial repeat offenders or few are being prosecuted.

Everyone can chill. Compulsion won't come - and if it does it won't be policed or enforced.

For what it's worth, I'm against compulsion for any age group.

I'm also strongly against universal suffrage for newts and the banning of pesto sauce on Tuesdays.

Everyone can chill. Compulsion won't come - and if it does it won't be policed or enforced.
It would be, and rigorously too.

Because unlike seatbelts in cars, mobile phones or illegal number plates an un-helmeted cyclist would stand out like a sore thumb, to the point where no police officer could be seen to ignore it.

If you doubt what I say, try riding a motorcycle without a helmet.


Senior Member
It would be, and rigorously too.

Because unlike seatbelts in cars, mobile phones or illegal number plates an un-helmeted cyclist would stand out like a sore thumb, to the point where no police officer could be seen to ignore it.

If you doubt what I say, try riding a motorcycle without a helmet.

As it wouldn't be a criminal offence, am I right in thinking that it could be 'policed' by non-police officers, like parking wardens? That way enforcement could be contracted out to private companies, which would be self financing from the collected fines.
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