I attend a mixed dentist who do both private and nhs.
I’m a good case study as I lost part of my front teeth due to injury as a teenager.
I had composites fitted for a number of years under NHS but they failed and looked horrible. The etching takes away some teeth each time so there are only so many times it can be done.
Veneers were not an option as they can’t handle the biting force with a damaged tooth, so it was crowns.
As it is your front teeth, you can either go for a traditional crown which is metal with an overlay and risk having a black line around your gums or have a ceramic or porcelain crown fitted. I opted for Emaxx crowns as they are more “natural” and have a 5 year guarantee to them.
The process of fitting a crown is:
Consultation and scan,
Tooth preparation and temporary crown
Fit new crown,
Follow up to ensure all ok.
It’s painful and about 4hours work in total.
The consultation is between £50-£70 and then each crown is between £600-£700.
I had four crowns in total, two for structural reasons and two for cosmetic reasons to remove twisted teeth appearance and a short tooth.