Had an interesting chat with my IFA yesterday. Our managed fund ISA’s continue to look good. And he confirmed that we can access them without penalty at 2-5 days notice. However, he was making the case that because I am no longer earning and my wife also will stop earning in a few months, then we need to be holding more cash. Not because of liquidity, but because if the market were to drop significantly, we would need the cash to tide us over to allow our managed funds to recover before we start dipping into them again.
So I’m now revisiting the options around cash products. I already have an instant access savings account that pays 0.5%, so I could add more to that. I could buy a cash ISA, the interest would be about the same but it would be available to convert to a stocks/shares ISA at a future date. Or I could buy PB’s. I’m tempted to buy PB’s, they sound more fun