virtually all authorities on cycling performance agree it matters not one iota how you deliver your power, so long as you deliver it.
Do they?...some examples please
virtually all authorities on cycling performance agree it matters not one iota how you deliver your power, so long as you deliver it.
Do they?...some examples please
Surely the onus is on you to provide evidence that pedalling efficiency does affect power delivery?
Team Sky believe pedalling efficiency does affect power delivery does and as previously mentioned state......... "You have to put a lot of power down the front end of the pedal stroke which has a negative effect on the smoothness and balance of your pedal technique. Having a good pedal technique means you can produce more power for the same physiological effort (HR)."
British Cycling also offer information and training on efficient pedalling and stating ......... "Souplesse is a word often used for silky smooth pedalling, but how do you develop that efficient motion. To make sure you are getting the most from your pedalling strokes, come into the Insight Zone, where British Cycling coaches will tell you how."
I would hope and assume that British Cycling and team Sky with their marginal gain ideology has done research into this and although its not evidence, these are statements which come from credible source's
I'm also yet to see a quote from a credible source or successful team stating that pedalling efficiency does not affect power delivery. Can you show any?
Quoting people who happen to hold the same opinion as you is not proof that pedalling efficiency has any material impact on power output though, is it? Furthermore, the absense of evidence that it does not improve power delivery is not proof that it does improve it.
I did state, 'although its not evidence' in my response.
I was pointing out/suggesting that when experts in a field with far greater resources and knowledge than myself believe that cycling efficiency has enough virtue to work on improving it I take interest.
There as been considerable resources, placed into cycling efficiency and if improving it offered no value, I would assume that the data would be available to say this.... I'm yet to see such data.
I have presented information which explains why I feel improving pedalling technique may have value, and although not scientific evidence. I feel it presents a more reasoned view than simply standing in the corner shouting 'no it does not' which seems to be what is being presented by the pedalling efficiency myth camp at this time.
Attempting to discredit one persons view without presenting any information does not increase the weight of the alternative view, so nothing is gained or learned.
I think you need to be careful here, does pedalling efficiency in the intuitive sense correlate to what Garmin claim to be able to measure?
It is like L/R balance..... I am yet to see anyone put this measurement to any real use..
Good question.. I have emailed British Cycling to see if they have a view on the L/R balance they are willing to share.![]()
Are you sure VamP? Delivering power is one thing but delivering it consistently for a duration is another. Pedalling efficiency is not a myth, it is in the interest of every competitive cyclist to find out how to pedal most efficiently. Just as with something like pre ride nutrition - you don't have to eat wisely before a ride or race but you could improve performance by doing so.