Post ride routine?

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Fleet, Hants
I'm with Andrew C; get back in, 5 mins of leg stretching, a shower if i am lucky and then straight back in to entertaining the kids, the chance to sit down would indeed be a fine thing, but an alien thing to me...


sutton coldfield
Dont ride that far when back from work maybe around 10 miles 2x5 circuits around the roads were i live when i am back though change clothing, shower,fresh clothes, stretch for around 5 min then job search then finally relax eating an orange before bed.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Quick stretch, quick shower, take over responsibility for kids from wife, whats this vegetate on sofa?
I have been known to cook the kids tea still in sweaty lycra if needs be.
I must point out my wife does have a number of health issues that make her tired, she even gets free prescriptions due to the amount and reasons she needs them for.


Über Member
Thanks folks was just making sure I wasn't missing a trick.
Quick stretch, quick shower, take over responsibility for kids from wife, whats this vegetate on sofa?
I have been known to cook the kids tea still in sweaty lycra if needs be.
I must point out my wife does have a number of health issues that make her tired, she even gets free prescriptions due to the amount and reasons she needs them for.
LIke wise with my wife,
My 3 lads are all teenagers now so the last thing they want is to be entertained by me.
But they are still more than happy to let me take the tea cooking responsibilities.

So in general just a bit of a stretch for 5 minutes or so, I think I can manage that (before I retreat to the sofa;))


Legendary Member
Be more like 10 when you've stretched all the muscles ... while the kettle boils and the tea brews...then you can hit the sofa :cuppa:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I pick up two cans of lager from the corner shop before going through my front door. Having dumped my kit, I make a couple of bacon sandwiches with tomatoes and English mustard. Having eaten one of them, I open the first can, and start feeling very happy. It really doesn't get much better than that.


stretch, hot bath, then add cold water to have a cheaters ice bath ie cold but not icy

may seem a bit strnage but cooling the water down makes a huge difference, otherwise I end up walking like a cripple!


BB wrecker
No real routine other than the last mile of any ride tends to be at a much slower relaxed pace. Then a glass of milk, shower, tell everyone how good it was and eat something.


Senior Member
If its been over 100km, I’ll pour myself a large glass of diet coke out of the fridge. I grab the tub of salt and pour about 3 g into the palm of my left hand. Tip salt onto tongue and wash it down with ice cold coke.
One afternoon I did this with coffee. I threw up all the cake I’d eaten two hours earlier.
not one for much of this stretching lark afterwards (too much stretching is bad for me - hyper-mobility syndrome (yeh I know...)), but have a natural warm down called a long lane with nasty spoke breaking speed bumps which dictates a slow period at the end of every ride. Then clean bikes, do maintenance (mickle chain) whilst I cool down. grab plenty to drink and usually it is a meal time or getting close to meal time, so normal food or prepare food and currently bike rides end with walking a dog as well. if it was a really long ride (for me) then plenty of protein in the meal, so I don't wake up hungry in the middle of the night!
That evening will see me with a warm wheat pack on my bag leg and a massage of that leg (still trying to loosen all the scar tissue). Shower happens if needed/depending on length of ride.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
No plonking on the sofa.

Arrive home, put bike in garage and straight in the shower as I'm usually a sweatty mess. Kit in washer, get something to eat.

One thing that is worth noting is that your body's immune system will be low after exercise, so if you build into the routine a few minutes away from folk with colds etc. - e.g. you go straight to the shower, this reduces the likelyhood of picking something up. It's also important to eat within 45-60 minutes.

PS anyone recommend a 'cheap' supplier of whey protein. Currently have Maximuscle which we picked up on offer.
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