Post ride routine?

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Über Member
After a ride I tend to just plonk myself on the sofa with a protein drink and vegetate for an hour or so.
I was wondering if this was the best course of action to reap the maximum benefit from the work I have put in or should I be doing something else.
Should I do a cool down routine of some kind?
I would be interested to hear what more experienced riders do after a ride.


Swinglish Mountain Goat
I always warm down towards the end of a ride (10 min or so) and have a nice pint of chocolate milk when I get home.

Then shower, eat (within the hour), legs up and relax!


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Do any of you also just plonk yourself on the sofa?

What do you do T.M.H.N.E.T, I bet it involves an iced bath somewhere along the line!
My rides recently have been enough of an ice bath themselves :smile:

I remove my sweaty/wet clothing
Have a shower
Dry ones own body
Get dressed(but not enough to hinder the below step)
Stretch/foam roll as appropriate

Since you asked :laugh:


Senior Member
After a morning 25, I have a shower, get dressed, walk to office, switch on computer, make coffee and login to company intranet.
After an evening 25, I have a shower, get dressed, pack my cycling clothes into kit bag, put kit bag in back of car and drive home.


Internet Marketing bod
Get home, shower, return to toddler duty.

Cycling is my relaxing.


Well-Known Member
66 miles today. Upon return - I had a good stretch of the hams, quads and calfs. A glass of milk and a few slices of chicken breast. Then I'd a nice long hot shower followed by dinner.
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