aside from being a munumental f up imho, with the weather turning I emailed cycle Kingston about clearing and gritting this winter.
They replied:
"We have spoken with the Street Scene people who advise that they are
currently in the process of finalising the gritting routes and these will
be on the website along with the Winter Service Plan in the coming days. I
will let you know when we are advised it is available."
Not using it at the moment as it's covered in grit and stones as it hasn't been sweated. Guess I will have to find another route at 7am and -1
They replied:
"We have spoken with the Street Scene people who advise that they are
currently in the process of finalising the gritting routes and these will
be on the website along with the Winter Service Plan in the coming days. I
will let you know when we are advised it is available."
Not using it at the moment as it's covered in grit and stones as it hasn't been sweated. Guess I will have to find another route at 7am and -1