Policeman pulls cyclist over with flashing blue lights and tells him give a bit more space

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Legendary Member
Of course, the rider whipped out his smartphone and showed the plod the DoTs guidance to cyclists and road positioning?


Stubborn git
Hate articles like this as it just hypes the morons into believing they are right.

There is a poll regarding who is right out of the cyclist and the police. The results are 70% (6250 people) believe the police are right even though the article states "The Highway Code stipulates cyclists can ride in the middle of the road and encourages them to stick to the centre on narrow lanes."


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Of course, the rider whipped out his smartphone and showed the plod the DoTs guidance to cyclists and road positioning?
Yeah, as police officers love a smartphone wielding smarty pants, don't they?

I would have been onto the local police inspector or the commissioner's office representative that chairs the casualty reduction vulnerable road users group about that harassment, but I can understand why people would feel it's a waste of time, that the police are untouchable.

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
I think I need to take my recumbent tricycle down those roads for a few hours riding!

Perhaps the problem with PC Plod, starts right at the beginning of the video, with the cyclist making progress at the right turn and filtering past the police car?

Hard to imagine any reasonable police response to the video.

(Speed limit for the area was shown on the road as 20 mph)


London, UK
Officer must of got out on the wrong side of bed that morning :tongue:

Ludicrous. Though the MET being silent about it is like an admission of guilt that they were in the wrong. Maybe they think if they ignore it, it'll go away :tongue:
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