Thats a Kei Car, a specific class of Japanese cars to receive special concessions on tax, insurance and other charges.
Surely the wrong way round?People think of Benidorm as a tacky Blackpool
Thats a Kei Car, a specific class of Japanese cars to receive special concessions on tax, insurance and other charges.
Indeed. If you live in the Tokyo prefecture and can't prove thet you have off road parking at home then the authorities won't issue the necessary certificate required before you can even buy a car, and a Kei car is all they can have without it. I personally think we should have a similar scheme covering the entire UK.
Indeed. If you live in the Tokyo prefecture and can't prove thet you have off road parking at home then the authorities won't issue the necessary certificate required before you can even buy a car, and a Kei car is all they can have without it. I personally think we should have a similar scheme covering the entire UK.
Indeed. If you live in the Tokyo prefecture and can't prove thet you have off road parking at home then the authorities won't issue the necessary certificate required before you can even buy a car, and a Kei car is all they can have without it. I personally think we should have a similar scheme covering the entire UK.
Indeed. If you live in the Tokyo prefecture and can't prove thet you have off road parking at home then the authorities won't issue the necessary certificate required before you can even buy a car, and a Kei car is all they can have without it. I personally think we should have a similar scheme covering the entire UK.
A number of Japanese car companies sell the same vehicles in Europe so it wouldn't be impossible. I think the problem may be that smaller K-cars have less protection for occupants in a crash, in particular I noticed the doors are very thin. Japanese traffic speeds are comparatively low; even Autobahns are limited to 80km/h or 50mph, so this may be less of an issue there.
Of course, you could argue that reducing traffic speeds generally is a good idea...
Not sure it is equitable that 3/4 of the population should be banned from having cars and that only people with drives should be allowed to park in streets which they don't live in. Urban sprawl isn't really a good thing
SO in UK terms this is a Quadricycle - or something like that - and not a car???
like some of the "city car" type concepts from some of the manufacturers that crop up every now and again