Please recommend me a Muesli.

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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
One that is near to sugar free as possible or completely. The 'toasted' variety usually contains sugar which I want to avoid.
I'm eating an Australian muesli at the which is nice but too sweet being toasted.
We get most of the major brands here and the local Supermarket has a tie up with Waitrose so some of those might be available too.
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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I doubt it will be available to you, but, I find ASDA own brand Muesli (1.1kg for £2.46) quite pleasant.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road


Legendary Member
The blue stuff in Lidl.


Girl from the North Country
I liked Jordan's sugar free but stopped getting it when they kept saying they'd move to plastic free packaging and didn't. Most of the others including Dorset Cereals are much too sweet for my taste.

I started making my own. One of the local plastic free shops used to sell a museli base which I found nicer than plain oats as a base. I added fruit and nuts in similar proportions to the Jordan's mix.

I haven't made any for a while as I'm making porridge every morning nowadays.
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