Phrases/terms for things that make you chuckle

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Legendary Member
The beetles bonnet


New Member
I've been straining to contribute to this thread, but I can't find a single phrase that people might might amusing, that I don't find some sort of lexical coherence in.


New Member
Keith Oates said:
Don't worry something will come soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nope. I can make something up like 'a belly like a butcher's bracket', but unless that enters common parlance, and I can giggle at the fact that I invented it, then no. I don't find flip little phrases amusing.
You've got more chance of poking a pound of butter up a hamsters arse with a red hot needle.


Abitrary said:
Nope. I can make something up like 'a belly like a butcher's bracket', but unless that enters common parlance, and I can giggle at the fact that I invented it, then no. I don't find flip little phrases amusing.

that's good:biggrin: how do you think phrases come about if not bypeople inventing them...

I think we should all make an effort to use that in order to bring it into common parlence, and I think that you should invent more like it

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
I like Stephen Fry's "I've got a body like a bin liner full of yoghurt". If my beer and chips intake stays as it is now, I'll have to start using it myself.;)

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Horace Goes Skiing said:
arse like a cloon's mooth

One often experiences a touch of "the cloon's mooth" the morning after a powerful curry.

... at the same time as you might be attacked by arse wasps (see earlier post).:biggrin:
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