Personalised number plates

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Mrs M

A wee guy we met on holiday :smile:
Loch side.

It helps if you spell PUERILE correctly...

Thanks for pointing that out. I shall not be so puerile in future. One day I'll tell you about the time I was severely dehydrated whilst on a solo trip in Japan and I had to spell diarrhea correctly on a Casio English/Japanese translator gadget in order to get hospital treatment. I could not get it right and had to resort to gestures or die. I chose the latter.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Oh, and we bought our currrent car because it has @rvw's initials on the number plate*. Having just looked up my initials on the DVLA website we saved ourselves about £500.

*Well, that and the fact that it was exactly the car and the age we were looking for, and it was in our local Ford dealer.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Thanks for pointing that out. I shall not be so puerile in future. One day I'll tell you about the time I was severely dehydrated whilst on a solo trip in Japan and I had to spell diarrhea correctly on a Casio English/Japanese translator gadget in order to get hospital treatment. I could not get it right and had to resort to gestures or die. I chose the latter.
You'll have to wait a few years, of course.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
MrsPete and I both have personal number plates
Mine is W*53 OKT
Hers is K*54 YOE

I do hope we're not NO88ERS



I used to see an old jag reg number G30 RGE the guy had the 3 the wrong way round so it read george. The last time i saw it it was back to G30 RGE

Mrs M

I used to see an old jag reg number G30 RGE the guy had the 3 the wrong way round so it read george. The last time i saw it it was back to G30 RGE
Similar to our friends, they have a space removed so it looks like the wife's initial and surname.
Been pulled up about it but not changed.


Legendary Member
A neighbour of my parents used to be in the executive end of the used car business.
He would buy at auction old bangers for the number plate.
In order to transfer the number plate from the old banger to the nice new Roller, the old banger needed an MOT.
As he ran the garage, that was easy to arrange, so no matter what condition the old banger was in, it had a new MOT
They then swapped the plates, old banger plates to new Roller, new Roller plates to old banger.
Flog the new Roller with 'Cherished Plates' for loadsofmoney

Then my brother and I would buy the old banger for the normal price of two bottles of whisky
12 months MOT and the plate of a Roller, so no one is going to pull you over from any evidence on the PNC cameras.
Some of the bangers were great, others not so, at one time I think we had three of them, the one we were using and a couple of spares, as you never quite knew when you would need to abandon yet another one on the side of the road.

It kept us in cars for a number of years, some of the memorable ones were a bubble car, a couple of mini's, at least three Morris 1000's, a Ford Prefect, a couple of VW Variants, a VW camper van, an MBG GT, several Ford Escorts and many others that I forget.

Some of the cars we sold on, one of the Variants was turned into a fake fibreglass Porch 911, and one of the Escorts was sold to a guy who had a company Ford Escort, the company had made him redundant on a Friday, so over the space of the weekend he swapped over the engine, the wheels, the seats and as much else as he could, so the company got back their car on Monday but with a engine with an extra 200,000 miles on the clock, worn tyres, trashed seats etc.
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