An ice screw, brilliant! Bloody expensive though, compared to a scabby old bit of gas pipe.
I use a decent 15mm spanner and a copper mallet, take up the slack then give it a sharp tap. Done. The same copper mallet works on a crank extractor, tighten it up then crack the joint with the mallet. If it doesn't pop, another quarter turn then tap tap and it pops the taper without having to give the screw too much force.
LH pedal, LH thread. RH pedal, RH (conventional) thread, easy. As others say a smear of copper grease is a great idea, I ALWAYS use it on crank tapers, bottom brackets and usually on pedals if they are going to stay on for a while.
I use a decent 15mm spanner and a copper mallet, take up the slack then give it a sharp tap. Done. The same copper mallet works on a crank extractor, tighten it up then crack the joint with the mallet. If it doesn't pop, another quarter turn then tap tap and it pops the taper without having to give the screw too much force.
LH pedal, LH thread. RH pedal, RH (conventional) thread, easy. As others say a smear of copper grease is a great idea, I ALWAYS use it on crank tapers, bottom brackets and usually on pedals if they are going to stay on for a while.