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Any recommend a free one so as I can delete unwanted stuff before printing
Any recommend a free one so as I can delete unwanted stuff before printing
Any recommend a free one so as I can delete unwanted stuff before printing
Nit sure there ms any free ones that are any good. But if all you need is to block stuff out it might be easier to put it in any graphics or even ms word, draw white boxes over the bits you want and then print.
there just seems to be a huge loss of quality if I transfer it (screen shot the PDF and paste into word) then print form word
I would like to keep the same quaulity as the original PDF
my photo editor I would have to screen shot the image in, then there is the same loss of qualityYes screen shotting the pdf will be very low resolution. You want to convert it into an image. If you have something like photoshop you can do that else you can easily convert it to an image for free online.
Yes I do have that, and yes it will sort of do what I want - need to experiment a bit morem but looks promisingIf you use LibreOffice - which is free - then you can open the pdf in Reader
then just treat it as as document and write it out again
If you prefer MS Word then you can write it out as a doc file and then re-open it in Word
Firefox has a PDF editing function. Set it so PDFs open in a tab and there are various tools top right.