Not where I live, there are large sections of A55 where cycling is not permitted. However there are no motorways in North Wales.A side note: motorway is one where you can drive at 70mph and cyclists are not allowed due to danger of high speeds. Dual carriage way is also a road where you can drive at 70mph but cyclists are allowed.
know-your-traffic-signs.pdf said:Blue circles generally give a mandatory instruction,such as "turn left", or indicate a route available only to particular classes of traffic, e.g. buses and cycles only.
Red rings or circles tell you what you must not do, e.g. you must not exceed 30 mph, no vehicles over the height shown may proceed.
Most regulatory signs are circular. A RED RING or RED CIRCLE indicates a prohibition. A BLUE CIRCLE generally gives a positive(mandatory) instruction or indicates a route for use only by particular classes of vehicle (see sections on tram signs and bus and cycle signs). Two notable exceptions are:
Stop and Give Way.
Not where I live, there are large sections of A55 where cycling is not permitted. However there are no motorways in North Wales.
Reading the link given it seems what I thought is correct, and the signs do tell cycle users as much as other road uses what is or is not permitted or required. The exception is when pushing a cycle.
Walkway could include an unpaved section.
Pavement only means it has a hard surface, i.e. not a simple path across a field.
Pedestrian Zone it seems depends on the sign used, if a simple read circle then no pedal cycles, but with a motorbike and car in the centre of the circle it seems push bikes are permitted. I suppose since we use our feet to move the push bikes then they are pedestrian in a way.
I love English, to cycle you need to use the crank, so a scooter is not classed as a cycle, however the old thing has always been, let the courts decide, so if a court has stated that you can or can't do something even if the English seems to say different then what the court says goes. So thank you for the link, however if a court case shows that link is wrong, then it would be good to know.
Yep and a nightmare sometimes cos car drivers think you are riding the wrong way up a oneway street, which is what it is for them..Two way for cycles and one way for motorised traffic.
In the main there is nothing to say what the sign refers to, so you are right, there is an option for the county council to put qualifying plates under the sign, in some cases you see "Cyclists give way to pedestrians" but signs for motorised traffic are on same alignment as signs for non motorised so although it may be obvious what it refers to, it would be hard to prove.They say that route is open to you to ride on your bike. That does not make them mandatory you are free to use alternate roads or stay on the road if such signs are on a share use path either side.
Views of the non-cycling public are influenced by what they see and any cyclist acting like a dick reflects badly on the rest of us in their eyes. Same applies to the idiots who ride through the 'pedestians only' centre of Bedford. They know they aren't supposed to do it but they do it anyway.Eh, only people they were giving a bad name was themselves.
Reject such lumping together please, rather than perpetuate it.Views of the non-cycling public are influenced by what they see and any cyclist acting like a dick reflects badly on the rest of us in their eyes. Same applies to the idiots who ride through the 'pedestians only' centre of Bedford. They know they aren't supposed to do it but they do it anyway.