Well its all finished and I am in one bit which is good. No punctures, no mechanicals and no drama's same with my daughter so quite chuffed.
No huge peletons appeared but managed to get myself into some 2-8 man groups and for a few miles was on my todd. Over the Pave I started of well then got slower as the day went on.
If anyone wants some bidons I saw several hundred left on the Pave today also saw several hundred people having punctures.
Only things of amusement was when some knob on a 29er thought he should have my bit of pave and was a bit upset when I would not let him have it, a few rude words and body contact was involved, he was French so we did not know what each other said but we got the gist.
Towards the end I got into a little peleton of 4 french singlespeed riders and me and another brit, the french behaved just like london couriers in traffic when we got to Roubaix which was amusing. They were ruddy quick. I said to the other brit that I felt guilty but he assured me we were doing them a favour as they could boast how they dragged some brits in today.
Daughter took it easy and wont tell me her result but she did not injure her knee anymore so thats good.
The quick stats are 107 miles average 17.3mph, 6hrs 12min moving time according to strava.
Probably get some stories from the others on the coach tonight at dinner, but one worth mentioning is a guy going over the Trouee de Arenburg crashed completely broke his hanger off. Binned his gears, shortened his chain and came home single speed .
May have pictures later.