Paris-Brest-Paris 2011

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back and brave
I'll be doing what I usually do: ride from either Le Havre or Caen over two days (usual overnight is Evreux), have a day or so socialising, then ride the event. It's the recommended way.

I take it that you have surplus kit? That is, stuff you wont lug around PBP. If so, what do you do with it? Are you camping (or hoping too!) and leaving it all in the tent?

I ask because it seems there is no 'left luggage' facility to be found (even though our savours have finally bagged their evil nemesis, thank the lord ;) ). It's put me in the ludicrous situation of (possibly) having to take a car up to the start just to store surplus stuff (which is basically just the clothes I'll travel up in)! That, or post it back home!!

Well done on your ride and qualification DooBlood (and Frank too I presume?). Have a wee break and enjoy, but remember you'll have to keep that form for the next 90+ days.

We'll all have to have a CCers beer (or something) before the start (says he presuming he'll qualify!) :thumbsup:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I generally get accommodation of some kind. Previous years it's been the Pavillon Bleu at Trappes, which allowed us to store luggage. Last time it was a chalet on the campsite, unfortunately not available this year. Others store stuff in their tents. You might be able to share storage or accommodation with someone.


back and brave
I have a hotel booked for the night before but they have no baggage storage facility. My fault, I assumed they would. Nearby railway stations (it seems) have no long term storage/lockers etc. It's the final niggle in my logistics plan (that is, aside from actually finishing the qualifiers!)


Über Member
If all else fails I'm packing a tent (despite staying in a Formule 1 hotel before and after) and leaving any remaining stuff in the tent.


back and brave
Completed my 400 earlier today. Highlights include,

- a thunderstorm; spectacular lightning to my left and to my right. And then, as I approached, in front of me. It completely lit the road ahead.
- being attacked by a frog; there were many of the little beggars hoping across the wet road. I felt one hit my leg.
- a couple of wild pigs (sanglier) running across in front of me (less than 2 meters!). They looked grey under my light. Spooky.
- the factories of the Loire, billowing steam and curiously lit by the moonlight and the factory lights.

It was a hot and muggy ride, the air thick. I don't cope well with heat and was thankful for nightfall. Honourable mentions for,

- my recently repaired B&M Cyo light; it makes night riding a pleasure
- the Geomadic battery extender on my Garmin Edge; faultless performance for the entire ride. Completed the ride on 4 AAs, Edge battery full
- my Montane 150 rain coat; for me, the perfect balance between waterproof and breathable. Heavier weight material than the Featherlite, so less breathable but a superior waterproof


New Member
Nice one yello, well done. I too have encountered wild pigs (both road kill though) and frogs on my adventures. I'd like to rate my rain jacket too, a Gore oxygene iv (as was recommended by a cc reader). Am pleased all my qualifying events are done now but am worried that for 3 weeks I will not cycle at all (am in Africa as a volunteer).


back and brave
Am pleased all my qualifying events are done now but am worried that for 3 weeks I will not cycle at all (am in Africa as a volunteer).

I can imagine it's an immense relief to have them all ticked off. One I hope to share in a couple of weeks time. They serve such a useful purpose; not just the mileage but for testing the gear, preparing the head, etc. It's an endurance in itself just to qualify!

I wouldn't worry about 3 weeks off the bike. I'm sure you'll be physically active in some way or another, in a completely different field of activity, so you'll probably come back energised and refreshed mentally for the bike (as I said, the qualifiers are taxing in themselves!) and without any real loss of form.

Then you have a couple of months to do the final preparation, whatever way you decide to do that. In terms of physical prep, it's probably just as important as the qualifiers themselves. You've probably got the ideal preparation in truth; a complete change of scene before commencing that final prep phase.
Fiona N

Fiona N

... but am worried that for 3 weeks I will not cycle at all...

Don't worry - I've been at home for the last two and a half weeks - 600km event on Saturday - and hardly cycled due to combination of weather and work. I've made it out on two 2 hour rides and a few rides into town.

I think of it as resting the legs :ohmy:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Three 600 qualifiers running this weekend. Good luck to everyone riding.


Über Member
I hope this weekend's weather hasn't put paid to too many qualifications.

It was quite good for us on the K&SW 600. Headwind for 200km or so but more benefit from tailwind in the end.

I have my SR and my pre-qualification. Flights booked. Hotels booked. Just have to see if I can sneak a favour from someone to cart my bike over to France rather than risk it with BA (I don't mind if they trash it on the way back!).

I'll probably also take a tent with me to leave my stuff in whilst on the ride itself. Formule 1 hotels don't exactly have a left luggage.


back and brave
Congrats Greenbank. I can imagine it's a real relief to know you're there!

Weather's looking shite for me this weekend; more storms. I'm just hoping I can avoid the worst of it and get some dry kip at some point.


back and brave
Completed my 600 earlier today. No sign of forecasted thunderstorms so I took the opportunity to ride right through with 2 x 40 minutes 'micro-siestes'. Surprisingly successful too.

Had a tendon at the back of my knee start playing up after 80k (for the first time ever). It wasn't restrictive or debilitating, though it did pang a bit on climbs, and was a niggle but I had both nurogen gel and ibuprofen so I could keep it tolerable. I have some swelling below the knee cap now but it's not painful.

Other than that, nothing or major interest to report. I was fairly well loaded up (carradice and bar bag) and that got some bemused looks. The majority of others travel very light; a few munchie bars and a waterproof seems stuck in the shirt pocket. Presumably some cash and a mobile.
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