Paris-Brest-Paris 2011

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Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Hang in there! It's really worth it in the (bitter) end.
PBP is a fantastic event and in a league of its own. Nothing else comes close.

The qualifiers are the crux of the challenge, but remember you only need to be fit enough for the one in hand.
Focus on that and tick them off one by one.
Don't think about riding 1200 kms till you turn round in Brest and start heading back. Up to then it's all been about lesser distances.


Senior member. Oi! Less of the senior please
The world
i'm planning on trying. it falls on my annual leave. but, qualifiers not going well, the first 200km was too snowy for slicks (so i stayed in bed), the second (which fiona did), i suffered my first ever migraine so wasn't up to it(paid the fee, but didn't make the start). my 300km is in 60 odd days. just need to book in another 200km (i hate wasting £6)

This means you are doing your 300 in mid-May? If so you have to do a 400 and 600 almost straight after (last weekend to qualify is June 18th) and you're risking being too late to have another bite of the cherry if things go wrong. I don't know your fitness background, but I would seriously suggest trying to get a 200 in every second weekend from now until the 300 to get used to distance and also work out which 400 and 600 you're going for, giving yourself a plan B in case you feel wrong or the weather is completely lousy for your plan A.

Tim Bennett is right - take it a ride at a time, but you still need some sort of strategy.


Formerly just_fixed
This means you are doing your 300 in mid-May? If so you have to do a 400 and 600 almost straight after (last weekend to qualify is June 18th) and you're risking being too late to have another bite of the cherry if things go wrong. I don't know your fitness background, but I would seriously suggest trying to get a 200 in every second weekend from now until the 300 to get used to distance and also work out which 400 and 600 you're going for, giving yourself a plan B in case you feel wrong or the weather is completely lousy for your plan A.

Tim Bennett is right - take it a ride at a time, but you still need some sort of strategy.

fitness levels at the moment are that i'm not too bothered by the thought of a 300km. your right about the last minute thing tho, my 600km is june 18th, the last day to qualify and my birthday. it's not the end of the world if i don't qualify this time round, i'm only 41 years old. so there's plenty of time for another attempt.

i only found out about audaxing this year.


back and brave
it's not the end of the world if i don't qualify this time round, i'm only 41 years old. so there's plenty of time for another attempt.

That's a really good attitude to have, imho. You do what you can; do the preparation and ride the qualifiers. If it doesn't all come together for whatever reason then so be it. No point getting stressed out about it.

Some days, when I'm in the garden and seeing how much there is I want to do there, I think 'sod this PBP lark, get on with the garden'. Qualifiers and training take time and I, in truth, am ambivalent of big mileage rides even though I love being out on my bike. I'm doing PBP more for the event than the ride. If it wasn't PBP the event, I'd not bother with riding 1200km.


Well-Known Member
PBP preparation is starting this week-end for me with the 200 in sight (Barry's ball buster).

I hope that the cakes will be as good as last year.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I'm wondering whether to enter (probably shall) and which bike to ride, choice being fixed or gears...or perhaps I could borrow a trike.


back and brave
Did my 300 yesterday. The route was triangular (imagine a right angled triangle; a route due north then due east then a final leg south-west) with the longest 'side' being 130km - against the wind, so hard going. Finished in just under 15 hours which is about average for me so I'm pleased under the circumstances. The route was pretty flat... and open in many places, so there was nowhere to hide from the 20 - 30kph wind. One of those rides that you had to just grin and bear on occasions. I amused myself by thinking the records I'd select for my own desert island discs.

The 400 is not until May 22 so I'm not sure yet quite how to tackle the interim period. I'll have to have a read of the long distance cyclists' handbook for a plan.


Über Member
300km done on Saturday. Invicta 300 in Kent, some long flat sections (Rochester to Margate, Romney Marsh) but some hills too; Lewes back to Harvel via the Ashdown Forest, Ide Hill and Vigo. A shade of 17 hours but I'm a way from fully fit.

Severn Across 400 in two weekends' time, looking forward to doing it again (and not making the same mistakes as last time).

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I've just entered a couple of 400s and a 600. I'll probably ride my own 300. Then I might go time-trialling.


New Member
I wanna do it. Not sure if I'll qualify.... I have done the qualifying 200 and 300 and have 'booked' onto a 400 and 600 but never cycled these distances before. Then, if I do qualify, will there be a place for me?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I wanna do it. Not sure if I'll qualify.... I have done the qualifying 200 and 300 and have 'booked' onto a 400 and 600 but never cycled these distances before. Then, if I do qualify, will there be a place for me?

The likelihood is 'yes'. The UK has a pretty generous allocation. ACP's avowed intention is to allow everyone who wants to ride, ride.
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