I've got to be honest (at the risk of being flamed) I've got the wobbles over it. And I'm not 'anti-vax' by any stretch.
In all probability, it's simply coincidence that my recent problems (coming pretty much out of the blue) came after my vaccinations. I first went to the docs with (photos of) swollen feet, fatigue and breathing difficulties 1 week after my 2nd jab, 6 weeks after my first. (The feet swelling occurring 3 weeks after the 1st jab)
Now I don't suggest for one moment that the vaccinations caused those problems, but I don't consider it outside the realms of possibility that they exacerbated some underlying condition. (So maybe I should be thankful to the jabs?!

Point is, it's left me feeling a little wary of having the booster jab. It's not yet a requirement here in France (not for my age group anyway, if you want your 'health passport') but it is being considered... and folks of my age are voluntarily getting jabbed. It might be considered a catch-22 in some ways because someone in my condition
might be considered as vulnerable, yet I'm not convinced it wouldn't make matters worse.