Because the forms were usually quicker, simpler, and didn't require charging twice a shift. In most - but definitely not all, there is the odd worthy exception - cases such devices actually prolong the process, and often duplicate it. I know people who've actually quit front line public sector jobs rather than waste any more of their lives pulling their hair out with such systems.
One piede of software - I won't name it publicly - was bought off the shelf in order to save £70,000 that it was costing the organisation in maintaining its own in house system. The old system worked very, very well, but was requiring 2 x full time IT lads to rin and maintain it. Surely those jobs could go and save the organisation their salaries?
Alas, the new software was so bloated and convoluted to use it was later estimated that in the first year since its introduction it had actually cost over £1 million when one accounted for the extra hour or 90 minutes a day that each member of staff was having to spend inputting data on it when compared to the bespoke system it had replaced.
90 minutes extra daily x 2000 odd staff = well in excess of £1,000,000. Oh dear.
But that's not all. The same amount of actual work is expected from the people who are now having to spend an extra hour or 90 minutes on IT related work every day, and the strain of having to do so was simply too much for many people. This is when people started to quit rather than carry on, and quite a few went, in the dozens. This necessitates more expense on advertising, recruitment, hiring, new uniform, training... the annual saving of £70,000 was wiped out 20 times over, and that loss is repeated every single year.
That's what happens when people try to get too clever.
Great post D.
Working in A&E, a medical professional would say "" Mark do this/that please" and l'd do it. I also had a pc screen showing who who was in each cubicle, name, DOB, sex and why they were there. That was important to me, it'd help me prepare to meet them, suicidal or off their head violent wackos need different approaches.
Now the medical professionals are data inputters and have to enter it onto the system via a terminal. Then hope it arrives on my handheld pod, but it might not, because l often don't have a wireless signal, also the system doesn't know the med pro wants me to do job, so it might arrive on another's porters device! And l now have no idea about anything at all when l pull back the curtain to face a patient.
The pod is monitored, how many jobs l do, how long they take etc Little old lady wants a chair ride? Some med pro needs something urgent "Sorry it's not on the system"...well to help them I'll be rated as "ldle", thats what the system shows and l'd be assessed negatively, should l help?
On general duties, l used to do something obvious. Taking a patient back on a trolley to a ward, meant that l'd match up another job, that is I'd pick up another patient on said trolley from somewhere and move them, 2 jobs per trip.
Now l cannot, l am at the mercy of a system that sends inappropriate/random jobs to me, so its usually 1 trip = 1 job, even manipulating it I reckon my productivity has fallen 30-40%.
It's the 2nd highly expensive IT portering system in 3 years, neither of which are as good as the old tech controller & radios. The controller " knew", the systems do not.
We now have a "command centre" and a "wall of analytics" that might improve matters, we'll see.