Middle aged bald git.
- Location
- Narfuk
Some of you may be aware I have a rare form of cancer called Sarcoma.
I first noticed that though I considered myself fit and active I took time recovering from any long rides back in 2006. It felt like a sugar crash. I then found a lump in my groin that three GPs and two consultants said was a hernia.
A year later when I had the ''hernia'' removed the general surgeon found a two and a half pound sarcoma tumour.
Since then I have had radiotherapy and a further three sarcomas removed, the last one in 2009 which put me off the bike for a couple of years.(Top of right leg right in the groin)
Eight weeks since I found another lump, a biopsy confirmed our worst fears.
I am back in for its removal at the end of the month, it is quite large and is sitting between my prostate and bladder but thankfully no ill effects yet.
I have two top specialist surgeons performing the operation.
I am hoping to be back at work quite soon and back on the bike as soon as possible this time.
The bike is the only exercise I enjoy and it makes me miserable when I cannot get out.
The reason for my post is to raise awareness of this rare cancer, do not be fobbed off with poor excuses. The Charity Sarcoma UK needs help and when I am able I will be doing some fund raising.
I already enlisted my cycling mates and will post details on here when I get something solid planned.
I would be more than grateful if any of you would like to join us next year.
Here is a link to Sarcoma UK, the film is quite an eye opener and I hope it may make folk realise when to get real help.
I don't moan I just get on with things as best I can, sorry if it appears that way.
Thanks fellow cyclechatters.
I would have clicked "like" Minotier - but I don't like your news. What I do like is your post and your attitude towards your illness.
I wish you all the best. Do keep us informed of your progress - and when you have come through the other side, do post on here when you start your fund raising......count me in for a few pennies!