Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
They say if you can remember Pounds, Shillings and Pence then you weren't really there man.

I'm of the generation that was taught LSD in school then after a bit they said "forget all that, it's decimal now" I also clearly remember my pocket money taking a severe hit in purchasing power


South Wales
I'm of the generation that was taught LSD in school then after a bit they said "forget all that, it's decimal now" I also clearly remember my pocket money taking a severe hit in purchasing power

Yep. I was in those days too. Although with my dad being in the RAF, we were actually in Singapore when it changed. I was 12 at the time.


self serving virtue signaller
"At Auction" won the 14.55 at Kempton yesterday.

The horse was so fast the rider behind said "going, going, GONE" as it sped away.
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