Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
Dire Straits were formed in Wandsworth prison where they were known as the Sultans of S Wing.


Legendary Member
Wandsworth prison was traditionally used from improsining fraudsters, or magicians as they were then known.

Upon their incarceration their magic wands were confiscated and sold for as much as they were worth to help pay for the guards wild sex and drug parties.

New prisoners woulbe thus be asked, "what's your wand worth?" This was eventually shortened to just "Wandsworth", and the name stuck.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Chris de Burgh wrote his famous song 'Lady in Red' after a late night visit to Amsterdam seeking legal advice from such solicitors.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Ozzy Osbourne named his son after the 3.5mm headphone jack he’d recently invented for his hifi, after Sharon complained about his playing Mozart really loud.


Legendary Member
The VW Sharan was styled after Sharon Osbourne's face, and thusly named. This came about after the VW chairman's daughter was voted off Britons Garotte Talent by the plastically enhanced and acerbic talent vacuum.


Legendary Member
Persimmon Homes are no longer made from persimmon fruit. Following the class action of 2009, where 600 customers sued the company over rotting houses and bluebottle infestations, the firm started using stale bread rolls instead.


Persimmon Homes, prior to its rebranding, was called "Parsimonious Homes". They sold "back to basics" houses, where all luxury items were treated as optional extras. What's the point in paying for a dishwasher or a bidet that you may never need? Give the householder the choice.

Parsimonious homes, however, took this model to extremes, and their basic offering was simply a brick shell, where kitchens, bathrooms, internal doors, windows and even internal walls were only available as optional extras.


Legendary Member
Houses were invented by the Labour Government of Baronet Mosley in 2310 BC, in response to the previous Conservative government's lack of cavebuilding under Primeminister Lenin.
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