Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
Messi's parents were such big fans of gameshow Give us a Clue, they named their son after Lionel Blair.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
During the second World War Lionel Blair's tap dancing skills were used to send coded messages to the Allies.

Indeed - people mistakenly understand the phrase 'Lionel's an Old Trooper' to refer to something showbiz as opposed to the combat-trained merciless killer that he so obviously was behind that slightly fey* exterior.

Wiki says of Lionel
*Blair married Susan Davis at Kensington Register Office on 21 March 1967, with Bernie Winters as best man.[2][33] They had three children and three grandchildren[2] and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on 21 March 2017.[34] The couple lived in Banstead, Surrey.[35]. He once killed 17 men and an itinerant toad with his bare feet when they scuffed the dance floor[made up].


Legendary Member
eL is for eLon the name he passed to his son eLon Musk who went on to create the legendary fragrance of the 70's.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
An odd fact that everyone in 2022 shared with each other.

If you took your age and added the year you were born everyone would get the same answer of 2022 this happens only once every thousand years.
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Coincidentally, 'ten hard years' was the title of the book written about his experiences by the first human tester of Viagra.

Incidentally, the very first test was performed on a dachshund, who is still ploughing a lonely furrow.

Did you know that Viagra is now out of licence,trade names now include
Dickafixen, mycockaflopin, and hardupfen...
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