Talking of Boom bang a bang...
In the early days of Glasgow local radio station "Radio Clyde", they had a write-in contest.
...and today's write in question is an easy one - Who sang "Boom Bang a Bang" in the Eurovision Song Contest? Just write your answer on a postcard, or stamped addressed envelope, and send it to "Lulu Competition, Radio Clyde, Glasgow"
An occasional foray into actually true factoids.The 'B' side of Bump was Boom bang a bang..
In the early days of Glasgow local radio station "Radio Clyde", they had a write-in contest.
...and today's write in question is an easy one - Who sang "Boom Bang a Bang" in the Eurovision Song Contest? Just write your answer on a postcard, or stamped addressed envelope, and send it to "Lulu Competition, Radio Clyde, Glasgow"