Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
The top 6 teams broke away from the anti fascist league and formed their own premiership league. The completely non fascist Democrat Skull Crushing Knuckle Duster Torture Boys of the USA are expected to win this year's league by one car bomb and a kidnapping.


Legendary Member
Max Mosley was the son of WWII fascist sympathiser, Baronet Mosley. His attempt to run Formua 1as a fascist dictatorship, complete with a ridiculous short man with a messiah complex, went awry when Mosley himself fell foul of the rules and was sentenced to a thrashing my madame whiplash in the ex stasi F1 dungeon.

The Daily Mail got completely the wrong end of the stick and wrote it up as Mosley getting a spanking for sexual jollies, and the resulting ridicule caused his fascist emipre to collpase. The americans, who in typical style had turned up several years late, now run the show.

Vlad Putin wants a slice of the pie, and we are fully expecting a border wall to be built across Silverstone circuit any day now.


Sting was also a fan of Roxanne the 60s sexophonist who famously gave him the clap. In the resultant pain induced delirium he penned his gibberish anthem, De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
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