Postage stamps were made self adhesive in an attempt to reduce the numbers of obese office staff who claimed the calorie intake from the glue as an industrial injury.
The Penny Farthing is the last remaining bike from the era when bikes were named by how much they cost. The thrupenny, happenny bit, florin and crown being bikes long forgotten.
The great majority of British men that fought and died in the trenches of WW1 or were shot for cowardice if they didn't fight, never had the vote. They got the vote in the general election of 1918 when all women over 30 got it. . In the famous photo of Mrs Pankhurst being arrested by a police sergeant, there are two people in the photo without the vote.
Pankwurst is type of sausage originating from the German village of Pankheim.
Pankwursts are particularly famous for their inspiration of the women's liberation movement, coming as they do in various sizes and shapes including the "Big mama" Emmeline, "Little Sister" Sylvia, and, notoriously, the "Rabbit", supposedly named after its main ingredient...
Herr today, gone tomorrow is a Prussian proverb that states the general truth that the day after taking a bath with her Herr, a wife will elope with her lover
The orignal yokel recipe for Black Forest gateau was sugar rolled into cow dung, with bull semen cream and cherry tomatoes. This delicacy was a huge favourite of Prince Albert but his boyfriend, Emperor Hirohito, was aghast and had his cooks create the modern recipe that we enjoy today. As we know, a dispute over copyright for the new recipe arose between the Emperor and an American food manufacturer that ultimatley resulted in the atomic bombings of the gateau factories in Hirosima and Nagasaki. Thisnis hardly surprising considering the brutal nature of the Japanese strike upon the treacle tart factory at Pearl Harbour.
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