Odd factoids

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Sounding like a cuckoo is a rare side effect of all vaccines.


Legendary Member
Cuckoo clocks were originally called cuckold clocks. If your missus had been caught having it away it was tradition in Switzerland that the man would buy an ornate clock to announce to the ladies that he was single and on the lookout for a new partner.


self serving virtue signaller
"Swiss Cheese" is the traditional cry made by Alpine goatherds at the point of climax.

"Schweizer Käse" in the original German has more of an authentic ring to it, of course.

Unfortunately the goatherd origins inspired "Schweizer Käse" to become the moniker of a particularly distasteful sub-genre of bestial pornography.


Legendary Member
In the olden days, retail property was expensive so it was quite usual for newspaper sellers to sell houses on the side. Newspaper-estate agents was quickly shortened to newsagents.

Over time estate agents broke away, and for a while formed the militant wing of the Nazi party and wore brownshirts, but after the war went back to doing vugger all while pretending to sell houses.
Greta is merely the protrusion into our dimension of a hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional being who, unbeknownst to the human race, is the most intelligent species on the planet Earth. She spends a lot of her time in laboratories running complex experiments on humans
I just watched a TV programme about her, I would agree. Madeleine Albright arrived via the same portal.
Her words: "you would think that I was an alien, you know" .


Madeleine Albright is the great grandmother of Leicester City footballer Mark Albrighton. He slightly tweaked his surname as a tribute to his first professional club, Brighton and Hove Albion. He received an honorary degree from the University of Brighton after claiming that his 'tireless and selfless' playing style was developed as an homage to the fine people of that city.

In contrast, Enid Blyton famously changed her name from Enid Brighton as she viewed the city as a blight on its more traditional south coast neighbours.


self serving virtue signaller
Enid Blyton was actually named Aeneid Blyton.

Inspired by her name, she regarded herself as the God-given rightful successor to Virgil, and the "Famous Five" as the equal of any of the classical literature.

Her deranged self-belief was humoured during her lifetime, but after her death her name was posthumously changed to "Enid" to better reflect the true character of her literature.

According to her last will and testament, her remains are kept in the Alexander sarcophagus in the Istanbul archeological museum, as she believed she was destined to marry the hero of antiquity in the afterlife.
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