Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
The Hitchcock family get their name from their ancient ancestor Arthur, who used to Hitch rides but instead of using his thumb woukd stick out his C***.


self serving virtue signaller
Similarly, the origin of the word "cockwomble" comes from an unpleasant incident when Great Uncle Bulgaria escaped the set in South West London.

He was eventually apprehended on the slip road of Watford Gap services and charged with indecent exposure, subsequently hushed up.


Legendary Member
Watford Gap services was originally in the town centre of Watford. However, the enormous tectonic shift in the great earthquake of 1903 caused it to shift 60 miles North to its current location in the large gap beyween two sewage treatment plants.

Northamptonshire County Council could not afford to get the signs changed, so sent a workman out with a tin of black paint and the village of Watford Gap was thus invented.


self serving virtue signaller
The "Liver Birds" was originally conceived as a modern horror series based on the story of Prometheus. After being tested out on focus groups, however, rather than have their livers repeated eaten by eagles, it was decided that being portrayed as scousers was sufficiently horrific for the lead characters.


Legendary Member
The Liver "Birds" were in fact men. Nerys' real name is Norman. Of course, when the series was filmed in 1901 it was the fashion for both men and women to have long hair so telling the difference was challenging. A lot of innocent men were charged with indecency offences afer accidentally mistaking a bloke for Nerys and trying to cop a handful.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
The Liver "Birds" were in fact men. Nerys' real name is Norman. Of course, when the series was filmed in 1901 it was the fashion for both men and women to have long hair so telling the difference was challenging. A lot of innocent men were charged with indecency offences afer accidentally mistaking a bloke for Nerys and trying to cop a handful.
The imperial unit the BSH* was adopted after one of Norman's experiences.

*British Standard Handful

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
The Liver "Birds" were in fact men. Nerys' real name is Norman. Of course, when the series was filmed in 1901 it was the fashion for both men and women to have long hair so telling the difference was challenging. A lot of innocent men were charged with indecency offences afer accidentally mistaking a bloke for Nerys and trying to cop a handful.
Whilst uttering the immortal Scouse mating oath, "C'mon luv let's park me van at yer Watford Gap" one presumes?

And so the cycle of life continues :smile:

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
It was originally captured in the wild by Crusaders as part of their Middle Eastern Tour, and graced the barnets and gentlemen areas of many dignitaries over the centuries, most notably a period serving as one of Henry VIII's stable of racing merkins.
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