I`m wondering............
I have a busy job, and as a result, I try to make the evenings as long as possible, so more often than not I am retiring to bed at about 1am, only to be awoken by the alarm (bastard thing LOL!) at 6.10am. I cycle to work too which is 23 miles round trip, but I always look tired and drawn, with "bags" under my eyes.
Am I staying up too late? If so what is a good time to call it a day? So many people have told me I look "run down" lately, and it`s starting to make me think..............
I am a terrible sleeper. Or more a terrible getting upperer
my shift pattern doesn't help, I work 12hr shifts, 4 on 6 off , 2 days 2 nights.
my alarm goes off at 06:07 for days or 05:45 if I'm cycling. Last block I did two extra nights, and my sleep pattern went all to pot for the next 4 days to the point I got up late on my last day off then could not sleep at all that night before work the next day

I am regularly still awake until 2 or 3am before work days. And suffer from bags and black circles under the eyes.
I do the same as you and watch tv or surf the net in bed which is supposed to be a no no.
Try to go to bed relaxed and just to sleep.
eating late can be bad.
If the mrs is working afternoons etc I try and get them chinese ready meals from tesco, in the plastic containers 3 for £6 , chow mein, sweet n sour etc. Or the bag ones from asda, 2 for £5 thai sweet chilli beef noodles is nice

you could try them for a change from sarnies

bung em in the fridge .
I need to be tired to sleep and even then my mind can be racing and I can struggle.
the mrs can just close her eyes and thats it,
which is annoying