I was a book worm as a child. The librarian knew me very well. Our library was only small and I read anything and everything - biographies, the Royal Family (I was a sad child I was obsessed with the Royal Family, stamp collecting and old coins at one point!), history, archaeology etc.
With regard to children's books I loved the likes of CS Lewis, Enid Blyton, Wilbur Smith (lord knows why) Roal Dahl and Tolkien. I then moved on to devouring the Classics with the Bronte's being my favourite. I went through a phase of reading all the science fiction & fantasy books too along with the likes of Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt, Robert Rankin and Graham Greene.
Once I got to around 15/16 my reading started to dwindle off and I'm ashamed to say I rarely read much now. What little reading I do is total rubbish - romance novels like Daniel Steele (honest to God I really do read this rubbish, I find plot holes and inconsistencies galore and yet I *still* read and enjoy them). Currently starting to re-read all my Terry Pratchett books, but have to be careful where I read them as I have a habit of giggling to myself and thus generating funny looks from people.